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Jungkook couldn't stay because he said he had classes the next day so he had to return back to Busan. Of course you were really upset because you wanted to spend time with him but what could you do actually... He had a life to create.

He dropped you off at your house and looked at the time. It was almost sundown so you decided to just bath and sit down to read. Its been a while since you just relaxed and enjoyed a good book. You've always been stressing about uni and never really had time to breath. You were on a small holiday actually so it gave you some time for relaxation.


That night, you didn't receive any messages or experienced anything out of the ordinary and you were convinced that jungkook had solved the issue.

"Y/N ... Emy Lee wants to throw a party tonight. You want to go?" Erika asks and you shrug. You had nothing better to do so you just nod you head and Erika throws her hands up in accomplishment.

You two were currently at the same cafe you were in yesterday. The two of you were sitting and sipping on coffees. You hadn't told her about the messages or that Jungkook was with you and just decided to enjoy your day with her.

She spoke about various things but you couldn't really listen. All you could think about was this guy... Or whoever it was that was stalking you. Why was he doing this to you ? He said you were unique but you didn't feel unique. Really ? What was so special?

But deep down, you were enjoying the attention you were getting.

Your phone buzzed and you looked at the notification. A part of you wanted it to be him and you smiled a little when you weren't disappointed.

•You look beautiful today.
Trying to catch some guys?

You felt your cheeks warm at his compliment and you were more than happy than to reply. Are you insane for acting this way? Maybe it was just an innocent guy who liked you... At least that's what you hoped.

                                   •no, I'm not. Leave me alone  √√

•Good coz then I'll have to
Kill them. Leave you alone
Eh? That smile on your
Face says otherwise.
             •Youre stalking me again. Why so creepy. √√

•hmmm... Not trying to find
Me like you usually would?

  •no, because its like trying to find a needle in a hay  stack.                                                                    √√

•in other words,
You always lose.

You roll your eyes as you put your phone back in your pocket. You really wasn't in the mood for his tricks now.

After few minutes, your phone buzzes again and you pull it out to check again,

•You better not go
To that party Y/N.

                                                          •what the hell??  √√

•im warning you

         •who the hell are you to tell me what to do?  √√

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