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BraeLynne bounces back into the bedroom to start her homework I assume. I smile and take this as a chance to text Alex about tonight.

From Marley
To Alex:

Hey, it's Marley. Well, she's super excited to meet you, like super excited. She hugged me and smiled too. I'm so glad she's this happy. What do you suppose we could do tonight? I feel like going out somewhere should be in order, right?

I type the message and walk to the bedroom, putting my phone on the charger and checking on BraeLynne and her homework. Then, my phone buzzes. I walk over to the side of the bed, sitting down with phone in hand, still on the charger.

To Marley
From Alex:

Fantastic! That makes me so, so happy. Bet she's as excited as me? Lol. Well, I want to take you two to a nicer restaurant. It's a bit cliché but it'll be fun, on me. How does Baci sound? You still like Italian? (also I'll be paying, it'll make me feel better)

I giggle a bit and reply quickly.

From Marley
To Alex:

Uh, sounds good! What time? I need to know so we can start walking early.

From Alex
To Marley:

Girl, you ain't walking, lol. I'll pick you up, alright? Just give me your address, and how does 6:30 sound? It's a bit early I know but I wanna make sure BraeLynne isn't tired at school tomorrow.

He's already making sure she's not tired and worries about school. That's amazing...

From Marley
To Alex:

Oh, alright, haha. Time sounds good too. The address is ------------. See you soon!

From Alex
To Marley:

K, see ya later!

I set down my phone and sigh. I gotta dress nice now, whoopee. Also, makeup. Duh.

"Alright dear, once you're done with homework go pick out something nice to wear. We're going to Baci. Also, Alex will be picking us up, alright?" I state. BraeLynne nods eagerly and begins rushing through her work. I roll my eyes and walk to the door.

It's already 4:50 so I'll go ahead and take a shower now plus my lotion and such anyways.

" I'm gonna go take a shower real quick, okay? Feel free to have a small snack too. We aren't leaving until 6:30." I explain. She nods and looks back down at her homework.

I rush into the small bathroom and hop into the shower, beginning my "rituals".

~1 Hour Later~

I step out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. BraeLynne isn't in here so one can only assume she's getting a snack.

For now I'll just get something small to eat and see what BraeLynne is gonna do, well, wear. I'll help her with her hair though, she loves when I braid it for her.

I walk into the kitchen and see BraeLynne sitting at the table, a granola bar in hand. She smiles. I do too.

"So, what do you want to wear?" I ask, grabbing my own granola bar.

"Hmm, can I wear my mustard blouse with the black bow and a black skirt?" she asks. I nod to her.

"That'll be cute! How about I braid your hair and put it up into some space buns?" I add. BraeLynne smiles, and nods eagerly for the millionth time.

"Sounds good! What will you wear?" she questions.

"Hmm, I'm not sure yet. Wanna help me find something?" I ask her. She nods and we both throw away our trash and walk into the bedroom.

She looks over our closet and pulls out some black, wide leg overalls. I nod and begin looking for a shirt to wear with it.

I find a white, long sleeve top that fits snuggly on my upper body

We both get dressed and put on our favorite pair of white converse. I quickly braid my hair over my shoulder and do BraeLynne's.

"Alright, let me put on a bit of makeup and grab my purse, then we can stand outside and wait"

"Alright mom, I'll be waiting in the living room"


I walk into the bathroom and put on some mascara and red lipstick, making sure to line my lips. I already had on my BB cream so it didn't take me as long. Afterwards I walk into the bedroom and grab my small black backpack slinging it over my shoulder.

People say I dress too young but I'm only 27. Nearly 30 I know but if you can look good in it, wear it!

"alright, it's 6:20 so we should head outside now. Got your jacket?"

"Yup! Let's go now!" she says, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the house. I laugh and as soon as we get out I grab my phone out of my bag.

From Marley
To Alex:

Hey, we're ready if you are.

From Alex
To Marley:

Alright, I'm leaving the house now. Be there in a few.

From Marley
To Alex:

Alright, see ya then

"ooh, mom's got a crush" BraeLynne said, dragging out the u in crush.

"Oh, haha, very funny Lynne. Do you have a crush?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Yes, I do actually!" she replies. I laugh and pat her head.

"Hello dearies, how are you today?" I look up and see Miss.  Rose the older lady that lives next to us.

"Hello Miss. Rose. We're doing just fine, what about you?"

"Oh I'm as fine as ever, haha. Where are you going so dressed up and pretty? Same with you Ms. Lynne" she questions, a bright  smile on her delicate features.

"Oh, well, Alex saw us today so we're going to have supper with him" I answer awkwardly.

"Oh really? I hope you two have fun. Come over tomorrow and see me, tell me how it goes?" she inquires.

I smile and nod. Soon after a sleek white car pulls up in front of us. Lynne's eyes widen and she grabs my hand.

Alex steps out and smiles at us, giving us the once over.

Instantly, Lynne runs up to him and hugs him, his white, obviously velvet,  shirt crinkling under her touch.

He looks at me and down at her then back at me. I give a small smile and he hugs her back.

Wow, just wow. She's already warmed up to him. I'm so proud. I believe this relationship will go just fine...

A/N: Alright guys, that's the last chapter of His Child. I know, it ends awkward but I'm pretty proud of how it's turned out. If people ask or if I feel I would like to, I bet I will, I'll make a second book or bonus chapters. Also I know it's a really odd story in general due to the time passing and the fact that this is all over one day but hey, it's a short story.

I would like to thank you all so much for reading. Thank you so so much. Until next time 😊

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