Chapter 8

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Cass was so excited that she stayed up half the night looking at the clock. Watching as the minutes ticked by but when waiting for something you really want to happen. Time seems to slow down the minutes feel like hours.

That's exactly how she felt in this situation. *Why can't the time go faster? *She rolled over on her bed to see that Hercules was awake and looking at her with his big puppy dog eyes.

"What's on your mind Herc?" she whispered. He just tilted his head as if he was answering her question. "Oh come here," she whispered for him to over to her. He cuddled next to her, petting his fur subconsciously she looked at the clock it still being 2 in the morning.

Cass let out a sigh, shifting her head back to a comfortable position. Then turning it back to her puppy, he looked at her like he knew she was going to say something.

He looked at her saying like he was there to always listen. Which he was he was always listening. She wouldn't know what to do without him.

But she didn't say anything to her pet and that was fine. He whimpered and rubbed his head against her arm. As if saying to go to sleep.

"Fine, fine I'm going to sleep now." she told her puppy and smiled. She closed her eyes and sleep slowly creeped over and took her over.


Hercules nubbed his nose against Cass trying to wake her up. When she didn't he barked the loudest bark he could muster for a pup.

She woke up in haste she looked at the clock it was only 7. The sun was barely out she looked at her dog with tired eyes and fell back asleep on her bed.

He nudged her again and again until she woke. "Fine," she got up to take him outside to do his business. "You didn't have to go? Herc you little poop head making me come out here." She said to him, but he only looked at her with his tongue hanging out.

She moved to go back in but he moved his paw in a waving motion telling her to come back. Cass stopped but didn't move back to him. He got up and hit his paw against her leg. "You want to play boy?" she asked him in a tone of how you would talk to a baby.

He shook his head with his tongue hanging out. Smiling she tapped him on the head. "Tag your it!" she yelled slowing running away from the pup. He chased after her and when he caught up to her he tagged he with his head.

While they were playing she hit someone which sent then both flying to the ground. "Ow!" both yelped before falling down.

"Oh I'm sorry." Cass said to person she knocked down. She got up to help the poor person she backed into up. She locked eyes with a very attractive guy that looked to be about her age.

"It's fine I shouldn't have been looking at my phone. By the way have you seen it anywhere by any chance?" He asked her she was staring at him a bit before she realized what he said.

Frantically looking for the phone on the beach walkway. She realized she was still in her pajamas which consisted of cupcake shorts and a white tank top. Cass turned away from the guy to make a face at herself. As she did that she found his phone.

"Found it!" she states walking up to give it to the gorgeous guy. "Thank you so much uh.." he paused. "Oh uh I'm Cass. Sorry by the way for knocking ya down didn't think many people would be up this early. " She said while twiddling with her fingers.

"Oh it's fine oh and my names Luke just so you know. " He laughed, and Cass didn't really realize until then that he had an accent. Australian was what it was. Her eyes couldn't help but take in his image.

"Is your phone okay it's not broke is it?" Cass asked hoping it wasn't. He looked down at his phone analyzing it carefully. "Nope all good," he nodded his head. Then at that moment Hercules came trotting up to her barking at her.

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