day 2 - Lucy Wilde

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day 2 

bello again! 

if you are reading this then you are one of the few who has actually seen my precious diary... well its actually not that precious if i'm writing it online.  

today gru set his phone on fire so natrually i sounded the alarm (bee do bee do bee do bee do) but for some reason he got mad.  probobly because he dosent have the guts to tell lucy wilde he likes her (dont tell him i said that) he just needs to accept that me and lucy are meant for each other 

 i have attached a piece of fan art that PROVES that me and lucy should be together.  i need to think up a ship name... 

ducy? lave?  i really like ducy! best ship name eva. 

i mean gru and lucy dosent really go together. whats their ship name gonna be? gucy? lru?  it just dosent work for them.

poopaye for now! 

(p.s. go read "How to speak minion" to understand the minion language.)

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