Chapter 8

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"Oh dear, my baby boy is already so grown up!"

Inko wailed, burying her face into Izuku's chest as she burst out with a whole hearted, gleeful laugh.

She has already seen the "scandal" between Izuku and Katsuki, and considering it was already viral across the whole COUNTRY, he didn't blame her. "Oh god, mom-" "I AM SO PROUD!" She purposely groaned, overpowering Izuku's weak protests against the teasing.

"Goodness! I didn't know you knew how to do the do, if you know what I mean!," She giggled when Izuku slumped over in his mother's tight hug, giving an exasperated sigh. "Mom, please-" "And I haven't even given you the talk yet! Oh my! Come, sit here-"

Izuku was absolutely livid about the thought of his mom finding out a sexual scandal, and really, really prayed that it won't tarnish both the Bakugou's and their company names. It was a petty mistake.

Izuku prepared himself to face a whiplash and a bucket full of criticism from his loyal fans, putting on his imaginary "mental cushions" (that he wore whenever he found hate), to try and repel any negative effects of being critiqued.

In all honesty, he didn't mind being criticized. It showed him his flaws that he then strives to correct. So he was prepared to smoothly answer any question thrown at him for the press conference in three days; even more ready to defend Bakugou Katsuki's reputation. (He owes Mrs. Bakugou an apology, he reminds himself in the back of his mind.)

So it was.. A complete surprise that the public received the news with full-on acceptance; to a disturbing degree, actually.

His emails, Private Messages on social media accounts went crazy, the amount of fan mail he receives increases ten fold. He used an anonymous account to do some lurking, and saw.. Fan fiction. Erm.. It was flattering, of course, but the uncomfortable amount of detail about his body in what fan girls call "smut" was borderline invasive already.

It was even more surprising that there was smut about Bakugou and him dating way back, even before they were even aware of each other.

(He read a few fanfics, and decided he had enough internet for the day, thank you very much.)

He didn't know how Katsuki will react to the news, though, and crossed his fingers that the explosive blond wouldn't be too pissed off at him.



Mitsuki smacked Katsuki upside the head the moment he got home from a photo shoot, earning an embarrassing yelp followed by a growl from the hotheaded boy. "Haaahh?? What the fuck is your problem, old hag!?" He snapped at her, glaring harshly into red eyes that were similar to his.

Mitsuki wore a large, shit-eating grin that took up her whole face.

Oh god, what the fuck did she do now? The only times she had that grin on us when she's about to fuck Katsuki's day
over. His mom grabbed him by his ear, and without giving him a chance, dragged him towards the sofa and threw him on it.

Katsuki hissed, landing on the sofa with a whump as he covered his now throbbing red ear with his right hand. His scowl hardened as Mitsuki chuckled, hands on her hip. "Tilt your head." "What- why!?" "JUST DO IT BRAT!"

Katsuki let out an exasperated, low growl, balling the pillow into his fists, squeezing it harshly at Mitsuki whose aura was glowering with smugness.

It reminded him of Izuku.


"Fine!" Katsuki tilted his head to the left, which his mom responded to by clasping her newly manicured hand on the surface and proceeded to harshly rub the spot. "Ow! Fuck! What are you-"

It was too late to realize what she was doing; horror dawning on Katsuki as she pulled back, the pale concealer smudged along her hand.

Her grin grew ten fucking fold at the sight of "love bruises" lining his jaw which was once hidden by make-up so they won't show in the photo shoot. His brain immediately went full on defense.
"It's not what you fucking think!" "Oh, it's precisely what I fucking think, brat!," she snapped, the manic excitement and amusement almost made Katsuki flinch.

He internally groaned.
The media got ahold of them sooner than he thought.


Recovery Girl's real name is Shuzenji Chiyo!
She is Izuku's second makeup assistant, an expert at covering up any kind of bruise with the right kind of makeup blend! She was assigned to him because he always has injuries needing coverup for shoots.
"What were you thinking!," Chiyo whacked Izuku over the head with her walking stick. "Ow." "You're going to get in so much trouble, young man! You're lucky that the public weirdly received this rumor well!"

Chiyo huffed, smoothing over and blending the make up on Izuku's neck, over the hickeys Katsuki made.

Izuku wisely kept his mouth shut, not bothering to protest against her scoldings. He knew she was right; she should've been more careful. Chiyo is like an advisor to him: a grandma of sorts.

Even thought she put on a strict outer shell; she deeply cares about Izuku and he knows that. She just has a different way of showing him. "There," she pulled the blender away, looking at the spot that once showed the bruises. They were all thankfully gone/covered up.

"Now, go out there and finish your shoot."


Izuku buried his face in his pillows, laying on his stomach with his phone in his hands outstretched before him. He was idly looking at the number saved on his phone, something yet to be said in the empty chat.

The number was saved as 'Kacchan' with a red heart right beside the name.

They exchanged phone numbers while Bakugou was stranded in his home due to the fucked up weather; Izuku promising to text him whenever he gets the chance but.. He was getting shy. It makes no sense considering he just sucked this guy off!

What was there to be shy about?

He felt himself flush as he opened the chat, hand hovering over the keyboard while contemplating what to type.


Deku: "Hi Kacchan!"


Katsuki takes about three minutes to reply, Izuku's heart thumping against his rib cage as he saw the speech bubble pop up. That was pretty quick, actually.

Kacchan: Oi Fucking Deku, are you free tomorow?"
Kacchan: *tomorrow

Deku: Yep! Why? :3

Kacchan: Good. I'm picking you up. Be ready by  11:00 AM sharp. If you're fuckin late I'm going to drag you and force you into my car.

He was straight to the point, no room for argument. Where was he going to take Izuku?
The green haired boy looked at the texts, blinking a bit as if to process the load of information. He felt his stomach tighten again at the thought of going on another date, a blush creeping it's way on his cheeks.

Izuku heaved a sigh while shaking his head, trying to force those thoughts away. Katsuki probably wants to talk about the "scandal" between them, nothing else. And he is ready to take the blame or whatever Bakugou throws at him.

Deku: "Okay Kacchan! I'll be ready!"

On the other side of the line, Katsuki chuckled, practically hearing the cheery voice as he read his text over and over again.

He was going to take Izuku at the same coffee shop again, but this time, he's taking someone along.

He almost dropped his phone when a voice from downstairs yelled a muffled,

"He did, old hag! Stop fuckin' yelling!"

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