Chapter 24: Pain and Sorrow

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Summer vocation is over.....

The other shimori went back to Remora and Tzuyu decided to stay with y/n. He has school now.... He need to go back to city but he didn't go to his home on the city but to Saeko house. Y/N woke up early in the morning and Tzuyu was sleeping beside him, he smile and kiss her cheeks so she move a little then went back to sleep.

He prepared breakfast and eat. He finished eating and went to bathroom and wash himself. He went out and Tzuyu went downstairs and saw y/n. She quickly hugged him.

"your going to school now?" Tzuyu asked

"yeah.... I'll back at 12:00 pm, don't let any man get near here, don't be too flirty with Demetrius, I'm telling you....." y/n said

"I won't darling..... Go now" Tzuyu smile

Y/n kiss her lips and left. Tzuyu smile and jump on the sofa. She was like a kid and she's blushing and look at the ceiling

"I'm such a lucky girl!" Tzuyu said

She went to the table and ate breakfast. She went to bathroom and took a bath. She change her clothes and sit on the sofa. While killing time she open her cellphone and surf on the internet.

"I feel like I'm married..... Hehehehe, I wish y/n was doing alright" Tzuyu said

Then the door and opened and Tzuyu was surprised and it was Demetrius and he kissed her, Tzuyu push him and he try to kiss her again but she pushed him.

"what's wrong with you?!" Tzuyu said

"I can't take this anymore! What did he has that I don't have?! Tell me?! I came here to earth because of you! I wanted to become the man that was meant for you so that prophecy will never happen!" Demetrius said

"I'm sorry Demetrius but I can't change it..... The one that i like was y/n, I don't like you Demetrius, I'm sorry" Tzuyu said

"like hell that gonna stop me!" Demetrius pulled her closer and kiss her

This time she can't break free, she can't do anything and she can't stop him. Y/n arrived at the classroom and welcome by his friends. He was walking on the hallway then his heart suddenly ache

"ah!" y/n hold his chest "what's..... Happening........?" y/n fall to the wall

"what's wrong y/n?" Jensen walk towards him "are you okay?"

"ah Fuck! What is this?!" y/n was hardly breathing "d-damn" he fall to the ground

"what's happening to him?!" Sekai rush towards them

"I don't know!" Jensen said

"ah! My heart...... What is this feeling?!" y/n was holding his chest

"he was in pain!" Mayura came

"come on let's carry him to their nurse office" Hiroshi hold y/n

"it's better be" Jensen said

They took y/n to the nurse office and the nurse kimura was there so they lay y/n on the bed but they can't understand his situation. He was holding his chest and he was in a lot of pain.... They cannot explain what is happening to him and they are worried if it's a heart attack, y/n nerves are showing up and nurse kimura start to inject him a antibiotic but it's doesn't work.

Tzuyu felt y/n heart is in pain, her eyes glowed and push Demetrius. Tzuyu was panting and then Demetrius try to grabbed her but her vines stopped him

"y/n.... What's happening to my y/n? This is not good! I need to go to him" Tzuyu was panicking "don't die y/n" Tzuyu left

"yah Tzuyu!" Demetrius shouted

"shut up bitch!" Tzuyu became different

She arrived at his school and she sneak up on the inside and look for y/n..... She felt his presence then she went to nurse office. She quickly rush inside

"y/n!" Tzuyu said

She hold his hand and close her eyes.... She touched his chest and he became normal again..... He was not in pain anymore. His friends are surprised so they went to y/n.

"who are you miss?" Jensen asked

"his girlfriend" Tzuyu answered

"oh that girl from before!" sekai said

"Tzuyu......" y/n said

"I'm sorry y/n.... It's not what you think it is...... I didn't did it on purpose" Tzuyu hold his hand

"who is he......?" y/n said

"let's leave for a while" Jensen dragged the others out of the room

"I trust you Tzuyu" y/n said

"don't leave me please? Don't be mad at me and left me all alone...... I'm sick of being alone anymore" Tzuyu said with tears in her eyes

Y/n took Tzuyu beside him and hugged her.... She was crying in his arms then y/n pulled her close

"I believe you Tzuyu..... You won't do that on purpose..... I won't leave you.... I'll stay by your side" y/n said and Tzuyu face him

"I'm sorry y/n......" Tzuyu said

"I know, I got it" y/n said

Tzuyu moves her face closer to him and then she kissed him and y/n kissed her back.

"you gotta go..... I'll be home soon" y/n said

"get home early" Tzuyu said

She stood up and her vines covered her and went to the window and she look at y/n then he smiled at her. She went back home and saw Demetrius

"the hell your doing here?" Tzuyu said

"I'm just-" Demetrius was hesitating

"get away from me! Your not the Demetrius I know" she said went back inside

She locked the door and windows so he cannot open and find a way to get inside.

*times skips*

Y/n went home and he saw Demetrius standing at his door

"oh hey y-" Demetrius was cut by y/n

"you bastard!" y/n punch Demetrius "get the fuck away from her! I don't want to see you getting near to her or to any shimori because your a evil!" he shouted

Demetrius left and y/n knocked on the door and Tzuyu open it

"I'm home" y/n smile

"y/n!" Tzuyu hugged him "I miss you!" Tzuyu wave very happy to see him

"let's go inside" y/n said

They went inside the house and close the door behind them.


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