Author's Note

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Assalamu Alaykum, hello readers of TSOU, how have we all been? This is the first stand alone author's note I'm updating, I just wanted to let you know the reason for my long absence as I have been seeing your comments and requests to update, though I'm either to busy to reply or my network is not cooperating. I intended to update this about a week ago but network just gave me the permission to even access the book today 🤦🏾

I initially wanted to update on my birthday, which also happened to be TSOU's anniversary, then later on Eid day. I even promised my most faithful reader an update after that but failed 😭like I said I got very busy and then my phone is no longer behaving like a phone 🙄 it's been one issue after the other and now I have lost bits and pieces of about 5k words drafts for two chapters 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭my chest is doing me one kain.

And now, I have upcoming examinations. My Multiple Choice Questions exams is coming up in 10days, and the main Bar Finals is in 34days from today. My apologies for any inconvenience caused, I will not be able to update again till after my examinations.

Please put us in your prayers, for success and mental and physical and psychological ability and health 😀thank you 😘

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