part 5

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"urrgghh..." i groaned as i stretched out, before stopping when my fist made a connection with Andy's face. i looked up at him sheepishly "sorry? you alright?" i asked when i saw he was coming around from being woken up, assumingly by me punching him in the jaw.

"Yeah I'm fine, but I'm starving. I don't know how they sleep as much as they do, its not like we've done much in the last 24 hours." he nodded towards Joe, trick and Pete who had changed positions, so that Patrick and Joe's heads were both resting on Pete's chest while he cuddled the pair of them.

"wanna cook some food?" i asked as i snapped another picture of the boys and uploaded it to not only twitter but my tumblr as well, knowing that they'd go mad over it. "I fancy pizza?"

"not for me... Vegan remember? no cheese."

"Oh yeah..." i screwed my face up at the thought of not eating cheese. "urrm, well we'll make them and you can just have yours with out cheese then can't you?" i smiled at my own geniusness.

"make pizza?"

"shush,you say pizza too much and you'll wake Pete up," i chuckled at my own joke while Andy just smiled and shook his head.

"you still have a child's sense of humour don't you?" he said as he stood up and walked towards the kitchen so we didn't have to whisper. "how old are you by the way?"

"urrm 20... ill be 21 in June though" i smiled as i walked past Andy and routed around in the cupboards for the things i knew me and Patrick had bought the day before, its weird to think it was only yesterday that Patrick came to fetch me from the middle of no where, in a city he didn't know, in a country that to him is classed as abroad (but to me is home) and the took me back their house and took me in like an old friend. yes i had spent most of my time here asleep but the point is Patrick had fetched me at 10.00 PM and its now 5.00 PM the following day, but it feels like a life time ago already.

I touched my eye gingerly and winced at the pain "Son of a Bit..." 

"you okay? does it hurt?" Andy interrupted my train of thought as he removed my fingers from my face and proceeded too look at my eye. "on the plus side the swellings gone down even if the bruising is only starting to show." he stated

"Oh shit i didn't even think of it bruising! I'm seeing my parents in a few days, how am i ment to explain a black eye and the fact that I'm moving out of Jacks house in one conversation? they are going to kill me!" i began to fluster, getting panicked at the thought of having to ask my parents to let me move back into their house after moving out so young to live with a guy who was 3 years older, who they never approved of...

"Calm down, are you 100 percent moving out? if you need somewhere to go you can quite easily live here for a while," Andy grabbed my hands and keeping them down so I'd stop waving them around "and as for the bruising you either 1, tell them that he hit you or 2. tell them you walked into something or 3, you picked a fight with someone at a gig. okay? now come on teach me how to make vegan pizza" he grinned at me, i could tell he was faking it but i smiled back and got on with making the bases to the pizzas.


"right these need to sit here for half an hour" i placed the pizza bases above a warm radiator "lets prep the toppings okay?" i asked as i wiped my hands down my pyjama bottoms putting flour everywhere before wiping it off my face.

"okay" Andy handed me a knife and a chopping board for each of us before unloaded the con-tense of the fridge onto the counter, including cheese (real and fake vegan stuff) and a variety of meats and vegetables, we the continued to chop them up and top the pizza bases (we decided we were going to make the 3 sleeping beauties one each as well as we got a little bit excessive while making the dough) before putting them in the oven.

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