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I'm close to my due date believe it or not, and my six husbands are clucking around me being overprotective mother hens. They are all so special to me. Loving them, even more, the way they take most of the pressure off me with our six kids that just turned one year old. My little growing angels.

I woke one morning in the dark hours wanting to pee badly. I went to the bathroom and as I finish up my business on the loo, my water broke. So no big mess to clean up. Without making to much of an alarm I started to ride my waves of pain. Hour one passed and so hour three and I'm in more pain this time than with our first round of six. By seven AM, when my husbands all woke up to help me with the kids came looking for me and found me walking up and down the large living area rubbing my rock hard belly.

'Love what is going on?' Theo rushed to me when he saw me.

I stretched out my hand to him and he grabbed it holding me to him as my next contractions took a grip of my body. 'You're in labor?'

'Mmmm...y...yes from three... This morning...' I moaned in pain. He rubbed my back. At that moment Alex came walking out rubbing his eye with Danila. They saw our little group and got Sam, Robert, and Jason up to be with me supporting me. Between contractions, I got eight colored ribbons out and wrote on a piece of paper the date and time I gone into labor and so forth.

Nine AM, I made my way back to our bathroom the boys made bigger and I kneel on my hands and knees and feel if I could touch one of our babies heads. I was rather surprised that I could. Danila came to sit by my head as Alex gear up to be the first of my six hobbies to help deliver some of our kids. I bear down and worked so hard to get our first baby born. Danila let me rest my head on his shoulder while a whispered encouraging words to me in Russian he thought me.

'You're doing great honey.' Alex spoke untangle our first baby from his or her umbilical cord. I kept working hard as I finally got our first of eight born. The cries of our newborn filled the room. Alex lay him in my arms. Our 1st son was born Michael William Skarsgard. Alex clips his umbilical cord while our son drinks from me. Danila kisses the side of my head.

'Great work mommy.' Robert came to kiss me.
'Thank you it is not over yet cute daddies, still seven more to go.'
I smiled at my room full of husbands. I lay Michael in Alex's arms as my contractions start again. I got on my hands and knees again. 'Robert love come it is your turn.'

'Oh, okay.' He did what he read up on in the medical center. I bear down as our 2nd baby want to meet the sun. In a three minute period, he has our baby girl Hope Grace Pattinson in his arms. Robert got up and cut her umbilical cord while she drank from me.

'Sam love your up next.' I called. The whole time Danila sat by my head keeping me comfortable. He got into position like Alex and Robert has. I lay Hope in her father's arms and got back on my knees.

Sam caught our 3rd baby Dougal James Heughan and his twin brother 4th Richard Zach Heughan. Little Richard came out feet first and a silent one. I held Richard in my arms crying as none of the things I did got him to cry to open his airways. I was still holding him to my chest crying when he started to cry out of his own. The relieve was so big that I cried harder out of a whole new reason. Sam wipe away his own tears as he kissed me and took our boys away.

'Jason come and catch our next baby.' Other matter came first for a second and Jason stood at the ready to help bring our next baby into the world. A cute little girl 5th, Tanya Janice Statham was born and after Jason cut her from me he took her away where my other husbands were giving our newborns baths.

'Come Danila love it is your turn.' Theo came to sit by my head.

'How are you doing love?' Theo asked me wiping my forehead.
'I am completely drained. I am at the point of passing out.'

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