chapter four

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Author's note: Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry you had to wait for two weeks. I was on vacation for a week, then I distracted myself. (I distract myself a lot.) I made some mixes on 8tracks. I've also been busy reading A Game of Thrones, since I'm rereading the a Song of Ice and Fire series. (If you haven't read them, check it out! They're much more better than the show itself.) I've been also rewatching X-Men: Evolution, which is basically a high school AU of the mutants, and it is awesome. (I'm in it for the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver to be honest.) I've been actually getting ideas for that too...anyway, it's great to be back! I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter, if I had to be honest. It's shorter than the previous ones, but not that much, really. (I thought I owed you guys something to read for this week.)

Sorry if the last chapter was confusing, it is always a little tough writing scenes that just act so quickly that your brain can't process it just as fast. Maureen doesn't really like her visions, it's just a little secret she hasn't shared yet. (I'm going to keep the beach scene canon most likely, but there might be some small changes, I haven't planned it out yet but I am keeping Charles disabled. That's very important. The Beach Divorce scene is very important. Gotta love that Cherik.)

Someone (and I'm sure a lot of you are just dying to know) is curious if Maureen will end up with anyone. Your answer? It's possible, but if I do pair her up with someone, it won't be until after the X-Men: First Class arc ends. Also, who would I pair her up with? Someone from the First Class crew? (That's it, I'm going to call them that from now on.) Someone that hasn't been scene in the movies (yet)? An original character who is a human or a mutant? Only time may tell. You can even suggest if you want!

Before I'm done rambling, there are some comic reference tie ins in this chapter. I thought you should know. Enjoy!


It had been hours since Darwin's death.

It was two o'clock in the morning, if Maureen read the time right. Her vision was blurry. She was tired, but she couldn't sleep. The only one who was sleeping was Sean, who was snoring away on the couch.

Darwin's death had shaken everyone up. Maureen sat at one of the tables in the rec room, staring into space. Hank sat near her, his hand wrapped in gauze that Maureen had found in a first aid kit. She felt really bad about biting Hank. Her mother always called her a biter, and a hard one at that. She bit Hank so hard that he was bleeding and she left deep puncture marks in between his forefinger and thumb.

"I'm sorry I bit you," Maureen told him for what seemed the twentieth time that night. She felt bad about it. Hank was only trying to protect her.

"It's fine," Hank shrugged it off. It looked like he had more to say, but he fell silent once more. He was probably going to say something about Darwin.

Raven was laying down on the couch, her eyes trained on something in the distance. She really hasn't spoken, either. No one has. For the first thirty minutes they were all trying to calm Maureen down who felt anger, pain, and guilt. She was angry that Darwin had died. She felt his fear as he was dying, and that was something she never wanted to feel again. She felt so guilty for not being able to save him.

Maureen knew it just wasn't her pain she was feeling. Everyone was distraught, but not as bad as Alex has been, or was. No one has seen him since the incident, but Maureen knew he was hurting. He needed to let it out, he was bottling it up.

Maureen decided that she would go find Alex.

"Excuse me," Maureen said quietly, standing up. She looked around. If she wanted to get away from everyone, where would she go?

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