Part 2

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Ciel's pov
Red piercing eyes gazed into my dark blue ones, after what felt like hours but was really seconds this tall strange man started walking towards my cage. Every step he took getting closer to me I hissed and growled to try and scare him off but to no luck.

Sebastian pov
"Now Now pussy cat" I said to the little Neko as I approached his cage,his little body tightly curled up,with his long thin blue fluffy tail wagging,I used this chance to get a closer look at my cat
He was about 4'2, pale smooth skin,thin body with curves.On his face rested thin white whiskers on top of his head are two large fluffy blue cat ears that twitched at every sound,his cat like blue large eyes that had thin cat light blue slits in the middle gazed at me intensely,finally in his mouth I saw four little fangs already telling me that he is not old enough for cat food,I will need to feed him milk I smirked to myself

As I approached my kitten the shop keeper approached me, " Good afternoon sir,I see you have taken interest in our youngest Neko "ciel" "Ciel" I tested his name on my vocal cords
The shop keeper then proceeded to take out a hand book that had ciels name and his picture on the font. "If you would like to take a seat sir I need to give you some information on this kitten" he said as he sat down " right" he started "this kitten is called ciel he is our youngest estimating around 12 in human years,ciel can't look after himself although he likes to think that he is independent,you as his master will have to do everything for him or assist him in everyday things right moving on to feeding,ciel is completely depending on milk as his body is not mature enough to handle cat food,you will need to give him cat milk from a bottle around 4 times a day,the bottle will be given to you in the pack we provide,now bathing,ciel is required to have a bath everyday and as you probably guessed he doesn't take well to it,when going out with ciel he should always be in a collar and lead,finally when putting ciel to sleep ensure that you have multiple blankets to give him comfort" the shop keeper finished singing paperwork and handing it over to me
"Right,this is the time where you will be placed in a room with him to get used to your kitten if you would like to follow me sir" he said,leading me to small room that was covered in blankets and had kitten toys and cat bowls filled with food and water,the room things hanging down from the wall for the kittens to Play with,on the floor was sprinks and feathers attached to sticks to pay with the kitten,once i entered the room the shopkeeper told me to take a seat while he went to get my kitten,after around 5 minutes of hissing growling the slp keeper came with ciel in his hands curled up looking scared and confused,his little ears stood on alert,i noticed that the shop keeper had placed mittens on ciels arms,"if you don't mind me asking,why does ciel have mittens on" the shopkeeper signed and lifted up ciels top where a long small thin scratch went across his chest, " as ciel is young he doesn't understand what his claws are for,and often he ends up hurting himself so we ensure that his claws are kept short and covered with mittens" he explained while rubbing the kittens stomach

After a few seconds of calming ciel down the shopkeeper passed ciel to me and left the room closing the latch at the top of the door so on,y i could open the door preventing the kitten from escaping.

As soon as the kitten was in my hands he started struggling "LET ME GO YOU SON OF A BITCH" he shouted,i was having none of that i am the master i thought,i grasped his small waist and sat him down so he was facing me "listen here little cat i'm the master you're the pet,you listen to me" i said my voice was firm as i looked into his eyes i saw that he was trying to hide his fear his little whiskers twitching "you are coming home with me and you will behave yourself or i will have to punish you" "you don't want to be punished do you kitten?" i said in a sly voice with a smirk,my kitten placed his head on my chest holding his fear shaking his head at the same time","well done kitten" i said collecting him once again in my arms as i walked out the room heading to the shopkeeper to pay
Ciel pov

"Is ciel to your liking" i heard the shopkeeper ask this man who calls himself my master, " yes with much training he will eventually make a perfect pet"my master said hearing the word pet made me want to hiss at him however he i don't want to be punished, i will never admit it but he is scary but there is no way i will ever submit or become a pet i've gone through too much to become a pet,i will play nice for now but tonight when he sleeps i will escape !

Neko ciel Where stories live. Discover now