Part 4

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Sebastian's POV
After the vet ciel had fallen asleep, he was all mostly good except he had diagnosed with asthma he was underweight, while at the vet additionally i made ciel get a few injections to ensure that he would be able to travel abroad with me while i work which he didn't like instead started hissing at the vet and backing way trying to bat the vet,Just like a kitten i thought to myself.
The driver pulled the car up outside the mansion, i grabbed ciel who was bundled up in blankets and the documents that the vet had given me, while entering i was greeted by my good friend tanaka, a long term butler of this mansion who rushed and fathed the documents for me
"Good day master, i hope you had a pleasant day" he said bowing while sebastian entered
"Why thankyou tanaka, today has been very pleasant" i said while smirking down at ciel who was now on the sofa
"Tanka could you read those documents that you have"i said while starting to organise things
"Of course my lord" tanaka said while gathering the documents and reading them out                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

"Nekos are genetically altered humans. The practice is highly controversial, but legal as the fetuses that are taken and altered are those already scheduled for termination by the mother. Proponents state that they are saving lives and giving a baby that would otherwise be aborted a chance at a life, opponents state that they are creating slaves and using them for medical experimentation. Both are correct, as the sale and distribution of Nekos is mostly unregulated and many of the children end up in situations where they are treated as less than human. The baby is taken from its mother's womb and their DNA is spliced with feline DNA while they are still in embryonic state. As they grow in an artificial womb, they develop characteristics of both human and feline, having kitten ears on top of their heads and tails and soft fur in a line down their backs. They are very cat-like in nature, though they can speak, albeit very primitively. They live as long as humans do. A six year old Neko would be the physical equivalent of an eighteen year old human, although Nekos are much smaller in size, generally half the size of adult humans. While independent by nature, the Nekos are not capable of taking care of themselves and must have keepers. Before adoption, one should be very careful to make sure their lifestyle can accommodate the various needs of a Neko."

Tanaka then continued to read, summarizing the documents , "Notable differences between cats and Nekos are that most Neko can be trained to use the toilets like humans, though when they are young, their owners may want to have a litter box for accidents. Access to food must be regulated by their owner as Nekos tend to have rather unorganized eating habits. Make sure you buy well-balanced, age-appropriate food for your cat and toys. Cats love to play. Toy mice, string, feathers, and even empty boxes make for great amusement. Playthings needn't be expensive, just make sure there's enough to keep the cat happy, active, and mentally occupied. If you don't want your sofa shredded, or your clothes ruined, invest in a scratching post. Many Neko owners choose to have their kittens declawed if destructive behavior is a problem. With proper training, most Nekos can be broken from bad habits. Catnip, and fish are excellent tools for cat bribery and training. If it's a kitten you're bringing home, make sure you start a grooming routine early. Bathing, brushing, and trimming claws will be an event to look forward to, rather than something to dread. It is also important to neuter your Neko as soon as age permits, ideally before their first heat cycle-"
Sebastian interrupted the speech he had only half been listening to, "Heat cycle?"

Tanaka grips  his glasses, squinting at the page, "Uh yes. Says here that even Neko males are affected. Something to due with the X chromosome changes using the DNA from female cats. It says the Nekos generally have their first heat upon reaching sexual maturity. Most owners prefer to have their Nekos neutered before entering their first estrus."

"Why?" said sebastian

"Well apparently it makes them much more manageable, there are quite a few more behavioral problems in unneutered Nekos. They go through heat cycles throughout the fall and spring. External signs such as a swollen genitals or wet discharge may be present, although not always obvious. The main signs seen are behavioral -- loud vocalizing, rolling on the floor, elevating the hindquarters, a decrease in appetite and they may urine mark around the house. In Nekos, proestrus is a precursor to heat, and generally it is exposure to another male acts as a hormonal stimulus that brings on their full heat or estrus. The usual estrus lasts four to six days, but can last as long as ten days. During this time, the Neko begins to rub against their owners, raising their hindquarters and make more noise. The meows are louder and more frequent-eventually becoming almost constant, even sounding as if the Neko is in pain due to the intense urge to mate. Young kittens having their first heat have been described by unknowing owners as going rabid due to the dramatic changes in their behavior. It is at this time that many owners decide spaying is a good option for their Nekos. Afterwards a period of Interestrus is entered where the Neko has little interest in mating and then the heat cycle begins anew

Sebastian then  laid the boy on his bed as Tanaka hovered about, emptying the rest of their purchases into the mension. There was an expensive cat bed that Asami would eventually order a frame for. Nekos liked beds with canopies over them, a nesting instinct that helped them sleep better. They had a litterbox sebastian placed in the bathroom, near the toilet. They also had some Premium cat food given to them by the shop as well as some assorted toys. Sebastian left them out on the counter under the assumption that ciel would be more interested in them once he woke up. He left him sleeping on the bed but when he came back, those exotic bright blue eyes were staring up at him, wide and full of horror.

Sebastian moved towards him carefully, holding out his hand so the young Neko could scent him. He leaned forward, his pretty little button nose wiggling as he sniffed of sebastian skin, taking in the new smell.Ciel whined, his pretty ears going flat as he pulled back in trepidation. He looked utterly terrified. Sebastian wanted to comfort him. He reached towards him and when the kitten started to struggle and shout profanities "Dont touch me!!" ciel yelled , while hissing, sebastian then clasped him around the back of his furry neck, pinching and holding it tight like the shopkeeper showed him. Ciel immediately went limp under his hand and let Sebastian  drag him across the bed and into his arms. The older man marvelled at how tiny he felt in his arms, how fragile his bone structure was but how warm and soft his little body was. He was shaking almost violently and making little choking noises in his throat. Sebastian hummed in his throat and petted him softly, trying to help him calm down.

"Don't be afraid Ciel. I won't hurt you. I'm going to take such good care of you. Just calm down, that's a good boy."

Bright blue eyes looked up at him with irritated indignation, silently calling him an idiot as he made another gagging, choking sound. Sebastian then realized belatedly that the kitten wasn't actually afraid of him at all as Ciel then proceeded to puke all over his brand-new silk duvet.

When he was done, Ciel sat upright, his ears rotated forward, his tail flicking restlessly as he wriggled eagerly from sebastians grip and ran off to explore his new home, leaving his new owner clean up the mess he had made.

Sebastian just sighed

Thank you for reading, will be posting another chapter ❤️❤️❤️😊

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