Chapter 1-Like any other day

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Lefty's P.O.V

I groggily Opened my Eyes From my Small nap...I groaned Loudly from the Noises outside my Closet...Why me?...Can't I just Have a SINGLE day if Peace and Quiet?Most likely Not...I stood up grabbing my Hat Not caring for my Messy Fur...Besides...People like to Doubt me cause of my Looks...So...What's the Point trying To look good...?I opened the Door to the Outside world....And walked out Leaving my Door Open..."Lefty!"I heard Funtime Foxy Called..I gritted my Teeth...And Turned Around "Yes?"I called....I knew I shouldn't have Watched so Much Anime Last night...I looked up the Taller Fox...He looked VERY Confident...
"I have a show at 3:34 A.M d-"I started...I started to Black out...That's...How tired I was...I felt something pull at my Fur...Making me Snap out of My Tranche...."H-Huh?"I called...Snapping my Eyes Open...He looks VERY agitated..."Look....Lefty...My Show is at 3:34...And I'm Wondering if you would come?"He asked...I Rubbed my ONLY eye to be Honest..."Sorry...Funtime Foxy...I can't...I already have Plans...."I Lied...He stomps his Furred Foot and Huffed...I began to walk away...Not caring for Anyone...."Arr!Lefty!"I heard from in front me...I groaned softly to myself...There was two People that sounded like a Pirate...Me Having Eyes Closed..Its where I don't give two Shits..."What?"I called..It sounded like I haven't Had Water in 3 years...I heard the Snicker..Sounds like Foxy...Damn...What the Fuck is up with the Foxy's saying hi...And Why am I So Fucking Short?Its either They are Tall as Fuck...Or I'm just a Short little Bear....Most likely cause I'm Short...But...Who knows...I pushed aside and kept walking...Nothing seemed to Bother me...So...I began to wonder...Is the Night-guard here?Cause...I don't remember what time it is...I hummed...I just Had this Random feeling of being Watched...But I shrugged it off..I walked up to Bonnie...He was a Close Friend to mine...He was just Tuning his Guitar...Like 99.99% of the time...I walked up to him Sat beside him...Waiting for him to stop..."Bonnie..."I called...He began to Snicker...Which made me Confused..."Dude....You sound like a Kid with some Type of disease..."He called...Which made slight Burning in my furred Cheeks.."B-Baka!"I called...and Yes....I am a Tsundere...That made him Cry out with Laughter...I crossed my Arms and Puffed my Cheeks out...He pinched the side of my Left Cheek..."Awww so Cute!"I swatted his Hand away..."Stop!"I called...He Quitted with Anxious Laughter....Which made my Face BURN...So I stuffed my face into my Paw like Hands...He started to Calm...."Okay...Okay...What did you want?"He asked...My face still BURNS...But I put that aside..."Do you know if the Night-Guard is still here?"I asked...He looks over some place...Then Looks back to me "Yup!"He said...I nodded "Okay...I guess I'll go scare the Gaurd Shitless..."I said Shrugging...He nodded as I left to go see the Night-Gaurd...

Restart my Heart ((FNaF Love Story Springtrap x Lefty))Where stories live. Discover now