Part 10

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*In the Ambulance*

The heart monitor started flatlining. The paramedics started CPR.

Paramedic:"She's losing to much blood. We have to get her to the hospital now for surgery and a blood transfusion."
Driver:"I'm going as fast as I can and I've called ahead the OR is preped and the blood ready."
Paramedic:"Great what's our ETA" (ETA means estimated time of arrival)
Driver:"10 minutes."

15 mins later.

Emily came in with Provenza she looked sad.

Andy:"What happened? Where's your mom?"

Emily looked down and away trying to hide a tear that rolled down her face as Provenza took a deep breath and answered my questions.

Provenza:"On the way here the Captain went into cardiac arrest."
Andy:"WHAT? Is she ok?"
Provenza:"She lost a lot of blood, and the bullet damaged her heart. She is on her way to surgery to repair the damage and remove the bullet."
Andy:"But she's going to be ok? ...... Right?"
Provenza:"It's to early to tell."

I couldn't help the tears that overwhelmed me. They ran down my face in two lines. Emily turned and looked at the far wall clearly very upset but trying to hide it.

Andy:"Um....... wh.......when you hear more will you....... uh will you let me know."
Provenza:"Of course."
Andy:"Th....thank you."

Emily excused herself and left the room. Provenza stayed for a little while but he didn't say a word then after about five minutes he left the room as well.

I can't blame him for not wanting to be in the same room as me right now. I was pretty depressed about Sharon. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

About an hour of me moping alone in my room Nicole came in to see me.

Nicole:"Hey Dad. How are you feeling?"
Andy:"I'm ok, more worried about the Captain then anything."
Nicole:"Is she ok? What happened anyway I was just told you and the Captain where shot."
Andy:"Her husband thought she was cheating on him with me and got jealous so he shot me in the stomach and then shot her in the chest."
Nicole:"But she'll be fine? Right?"
Andy:"I don't know, she went into cardiac arrest on the way here. She had to go to surgery, I haven't heard anything since then."
Nicole:"Oh my."

After a brief moment of silence Nicole's phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and stood up.

Nicole:"Sorry Dad I have to take it. It's Jerry (I can't remember her husband's name so correct me if I'm wrong.) he was worried about you."
Andy:"It's ok."

She answered the phone and brought it to her ear while walking out of the room. I heard her say 'Hey hon' before the door closed and I couldn't hear anything but the heart monitor beeping beside my bed.


I came out of the bathroom and went back to the waiting room were Lieutenant Provenza and I had been waiting for a little over an hour.

Emily:"Anything new?"
Provenza:"No, you weren't in the bathroom five minutes."
Emily:"I know it's just it's been over an hour and we've heard nothing about how mom's doing."
Provenza:"I know, I'm upset too Emily. Your mom is a great friend and boss plus I've never seen Flynn that depressed before."
Emily:"I'm sure he's fine he's just worried about mom."
Provenza:"He told me he loved her."
Provenza:"Well not those words but ya. I told him What had happened in the murder room and told him that the captain had said she'd loved him and he said that she had told him they couldn't be together because she didn't feel the same way he did."
Emily:"She was lying, Dad was jealous of Andy. He hit mom whenever she went near him so she stayed away."
Provenza:"Why didn't she come to us?"
Emily:"Dad had threatened Andy. He'd told her if she told anyone what he was doing to her he would kill Andy. And she was afraid of him, afraid for Andy. She hated doing it, she could see the hurt and confusion in his eyes when she did and it hurt her."
Provenza:"That just made me happier that I shot him."

A tall man in blue scrubs and white jacket came into the waiting room holding a clip board. He looked down at the clip board and then looked back up.

Doctor:"Emily Raydor?"
Emily:"That's me, how's my mom?"
Doctor:"That damage was worse then we originally thought. We repaired as much for it as possible but she will need a transplant."
Emily:"But......she's ok?"
Doctor: "She's in a coma I'm afraid"

I couldn't help it I started bailing. Provenza pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into his shoulder.

Provenza:"Can we see her?"
Doctor: " Of course down the hall to the elevators she's on the 3rd floor."
Provenza: "Thanks doc."


After my phone call with Jerry (Still don't know her husband's name) I went to the cafeteria to get a coffee.I walked down the hall till I got to the elevators I pressed the button for the elevator and waited.

After getting my coffee I walked back to the elevators. Once inside I pressed the button for the 3rd floor and the doors closed and the elevator went up.

When the elevator stoped at the 3rd floor I got out. I walked back towards Dad's room and saw a girl at her what appeared to be her moms bedside, there was a man there comforting the girl.

As I walked be I could hear what he was saying. The girl appeared to be sobbing.

Emily: "Mom you have to wake up please."
Provenza:"Hey Emily it's ok, she's ok."
Emily:I know. Have you told Andy about mom."
Provenza:"No, I thought you'd want somebody here with you."

After hearing my Dad's name I took a second look at the man.

It was Provenza, the woman on the bed with the tubes was Captain Raydor so the girl that was crying must be the Captain's daughter Emily.

I walked up to the door and knocked.

Nicole:"Hi. I didn't know she was out of surgery how's she doing?"
Provenza:"She's in a coma."
Provenza:"The damage was worse than they thought, although they repaired as much as they could she'll need a heart transplant."
Nicole: "Oh god."

Emily wiped her eyes before turning to face me.

Nicole:"Hi, I'm Nicole, Andy Flynn's daughter. You must be Emily."
Emily:"Ya. Nice to meet you Nicole."
Nicole: "You too, although I wish it was under better circumstances."
Emily: "Me to."
Provenza: "I'll let you two talk while I go update Flynn."
Emily:"Ok, thanks for staying with me Lieutenant."

Provenza left the room and Emily and I talked about random stuff. Trying our best to avoid talking about what had happened to her mom and my Dad.

I noticed that every once in a while she would look towards her mom. I could see the worry in her eyes.

After about 20 minutes of talking she went looking in her purse.

Nicole:"Everything ok Emily?"
Emily:"Uh....oh ya sorry I just remembered I have to call my brother."
Nicole:"Ricky right?"
Emily:"Ya I meant to call him in the ambulance but then mom flatlined and I forgot."
Nicole:"That's ok, you go call your brother I'll wait here with your mom."
Emily: "Thanks Nicole, I won't be long."
Nicole:"Take all the time you need."

Emily walked out of the room Phone held up to her ear. Her bother answered just before she closed the door. I heard her say 'Hi' before I was left alone in the room with Sharon.


Hey sorry this chapter is a bit short but I've been really busy this week. I had to work this weekend and it was my brother's birthday. I also have work in the morning.

As always love you all, vote and comment. Oh and sorry about not being able to remember Nicoles husband's name but we can call him Jerry.

Stay Awesome and love yourself.

-Awesomeness92 😍😘

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