Yami x Reader

437 16 5

Sorry I haven't been updating regularly busy af schedule 

Short but Funny

You and Yami were dueling and as always he won

"HOW DO YOU ALWAYS WIN?!?!?!?" Y/N screamed

"Heart of the cards as usual babe, don't I tell you this all the time?"

"Yeah you do,"


You two were now watching a cheesy romance movie because you guys were bored and the romance movie was better than (cartoons you most hate) and the news

"Hey Yami?" you asked

"Yes?" he responded

"I've been thinking, what would happen if your heart of the cards got a heart attack?"

Yami just stared at you

For a long time

After a long session of silence he spoke

"We shall never speak of this again."

And then you guys went back to watching the movie in silence

Well there you go sorry it's short and sucks but weirdly enough the summer is much more busier for me because of Track and Field it takes up most of my day and I also have this summer program which is supposed to help me get in to a specialized high school so I'm very busy so SORRY SORRY SORRY


(Currently on Hold) Yugioh x reader Any GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now