Curiosity - chp 2

117 6 1

-Zelo's pov-

after finishing up my lunch, i went back to the classroom to bake in the warmth of the sunlight and take a nap, and i found Eunseok doing just what i was about to do, and this desire to wake him up "pleasantly" took me over, to comply with my impulsive decision, i tiptoed near him and took out my phone and turned the volume on to its highest setting. 

"No mercy...." Eunseok murmured in his sleep and i chuckled

is he dreaming about one of our songs?

I shrugged it off and proceeded to find the noisiest music i could find in my phone, Then suddenly I took notice how feminine and defenseless he looked while sleeping. I grinned mischievously and tried to take picture of him to sell it to Eunseok's fandom. Yes this guy seriously has a fandom in this school and in the net, although he might not realize it himself, he might even be more famous than my group *cough*cough*exaggeration*cough* . Anyway I clicked my camera button and it let out a loud click sound, and in that instant a hand lashed at my wrist, twisted it causing me to turn my back on Eunseok and have my arm at a painful angle. 

"Ouch!" I yelled out

Then, the grip loosened a bit so I had enough space to turn to look at Eunseok, and my eyes met with Eunseok's cold eyes, but that wasn't the scary part, the real scary part was the reddened pupils that almost seemed to glow. 'crap, did I step on a landmine??' I thought

"uhh....Eunseok, it hurts... I know that you are mad and all, but I have a dancing career ahead of me, so can you please restrain from breaking my wrist and arm??" I nervously said. The almost glowing red eyes turned back in to a normal brown and Eunseok released my hand slowly and started blinking as if he just woke up from a nap. Maybe the red eyes were my imagination..

"helloooo~??? Anybody there??? "I waved my hand in front of his face. 

"Yoo-hoo!! Eunseok! Yo man, wake up!!!YAH!!!" then Eunseok came back to earth, finally...

-Eunseok's pov-

I suddenly heard a click during my nightmare and by reflex I reached out for the sound and allowed body do move out on instinct. Then I heard a familiar 'ouch' so I loosened my grip to remember whose voice it was, then my eyes were met with frightened eyes of someone familiar. But I couldn't get out of the nightmare's trauma yet, so instead of releasing the hand I stared and stared at his eyes, not realizing that my eyes were glowing red. 

"uhh....Eunseok, it hurts... I know that you are mad and all, but I have a dancing career ahead of me, so can you please restrain from breaking my wrist and arm??" 

I finally recognized it, this was the voice of Zelo. 

O.MI.GOSH, how could I??!!! 

As I tried to think how my situation got to this point, I blinked several times to clear my head and let go of the hand. 

"helloooo~??? Anybody there???" I saw something move in front of my face. 

"Yoo-hoo!! Eunseok! Yo man, wake up!!!YAH!!!" startled, I finally was able to focus back to the real world. Now I could see what has happened, I had nightmare about that place, then Zelo tried to take a picture of me, the sound triggered my reflex, and Zelo now found out that i can fight

"ahahahaha....yo~ Zelo, wassup man!!! Whatcha doing in front of my desk, huh??" I nervously said

As Zelo was about to speak, the bell rang (phew) and he went back to his seat and woke up Jong up for the class. But I could tell that he was thinking about what happened for he kept glancing at my way when the teacher wasn't looking.

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