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The room was dark and the floor was cold. My back really hurt. Why am I on the ground? I don't remember coming home from last night.

I rubbed my face. Ow, my arm stung. I'm too tired to even bother, I walked over to my bed where I laid down to get a better night's rest.

Now I have to pee, right when I get comfortable. I stepped onto the floor again, threw my bed sheets away from me, and walked to the main bathroom. The automatic light flickered on, I look like shit. I brushed my hair out of my face.

My arm! I gasped. Black lines and words ran all the way up to my shoulder. I tried rubbing it off as a reflex. It didn't budge! The words were in some other language, so they were dead to me. I started freaking out.

I ran to my room back through the corridor's hallway, switched on the light and sat facing the wall. I was muttering to myself in disbeilef. How could this happen? I don't even remember what happened at the party.

"Brogan? Why are you up so late?" I turned around to look at my roommate, Tia. Worry shown on my face, I was grasping my right forearm, "Are you okay?"

"Um... yeah. Bad dream, which I think you'd be better off not knowing about. So, go back to bed." I rushed her to stop asking questions i didnt know the answer to.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded my rich auburn colored head back and forth. My radiant electric blue eyes still shivered as Tia laid back comfortably into her bed.

I walked back to the light and turned it off, hoping it would help Tia fall asleep faster. I laid down, once again, in my bed trying to get a sliver of sleep, but by the looks of things, that wasn't going to happen.

I laid there opened eyed watching the light of late night drivers reflect through the glassy window and onto our cold ceiling, while thoughts spun around in my mind, like yarn on a spinning wheel. You don't know what's going to be made.


I guess I finally fell asleep because I woke up with drool dripping down the side of my cheek. I looked at where Tia should be, but her bed was perfectly made and it looked like there was a note on the door.

I slugged my way out of bed, grabbed my shower bag and some day clothes, and walked over to the door to finally read the note.

Dear Brogan,

I didn't want to wake you up for class today because it looked like you didn't get a good nights rest from your bad dream last night. Also you were muttering some kind of language in your sleep, to me it sounded like French, but I'm not sure. I hope you have a good day.


Tia <3

Oh, Tia... Always worried about everyone.

I walked to the showers. Got undressed, examined my arm again and turned on the water.

I stood in the water as it was heating up and I heard something fall over, "Hello?" there was no reply, I peeked out of the shower curtain. Oh, it's just my shower bag. It must have fallen off of the chair.

When I got out of the shower my shower bag was all cleaned up and placed neatly on a white towel that had a note card on top of it. "What the hell?" I picked it up.

Bridges collapse just like people,

Don't do what I say,

And you'll be hanging from a steeple.

Note cards will come and you will follow,

Help play my little game,

And you will live by my motto.


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