Hope for Good News

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"Honey we need to get to that doctor's appointment in half an hour." My mom called from downstairs, I was finishing getting dressed after just waking up. It's been 3 days since I was with Tyler at the batting cages and today I had to go to the fertility doctors to see what I would need to do to become a surrogate.

I thought my mom would have forbid me from doing anything like this to help someone but my parents both ended up supporting my decision to help out a family that wanted their own child. They told me since I was doing it for someone else that it could give me insight to when I have a child of my own years from now.

"Sorry, almost ready!" I yelled down to her while I slipped on some of my LeBron's and hurried my way down the stairs so I wouldn't get yelled at again.

We raced to my car and I followed the GPS my mom set to get to the fertility clinic. "Do you want me to come in with you or just wait in the car?"

"You can wait, I'm pretty sure I'll just be given medication to go on and when my next appointment is." I said and parked my car close to the entrance of the clinic. My mom gave me a few last words before I went inside and talked to my doctor. Basically I needed to be treated so my womb would support someone else's egg. It would take about a month and at the end they would implant me with the egg from the family I wanted to give a child to.

"Hey Tyler," I answered my phone with lightning speed when I saw his name cross my screen, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I wanted to see you," he chuckled, "are you free tonight? I want to take you to a baseball game, what do you say?"

"I'd like that, did you want to meet there or just one of us drive?" I asked in the middle of checking out my new projects I needed to start at the pottery shop. The three of them would be easy enough but I'd have to wait until I could get the brace on my wrist off. I emailed each client to tell them the delay that would be required to be able to do them and went to my closet next to find some clothes.

"I don't mind driving together, did you want to drive?" Tyler asked and I paused, this was probably a test.

"I'd like to drive but if you prefer to I'm fine with it."

"You can drive," he chuckled lightly and then told me his address, "You can come pick me up in about an hour."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." I smiled to myself and said goodbye. "MOM!"

"Child you are 18 years old, you can walk a few feet to come talk to me by now." She badgered me when she stepped into my room, "Now what did you need, princess?"

I ignored her sarcasm and turned back to my closet, "I have a date, he's taking me to a baseball game. I wanted to let you know, and to get your opinion on clothes I should wear. It's been a long time since I went to a game."

"Wow, plot twist." She hugged me, "Are you sure you're okay with dating him?"

I pursed my lips but nodded surely, I still got anxiety around most men but I didn't feel that at all towards Tyler. He made me feel at ease, even if I'd only been around him for a couple of days. "He's a great guy, we have a lot in common too. I just have to get through the game though... I think that's where I'm most likely not going to do well."

She nodded, rubbing my arms to try and calm me down and looked in my closet for an outfit. "Wear these basketball shorts, this white graphic shirt and a pair of your basketball shoes. Take these sweats and sweater in a bag in case it gets a little chilly." I took the clothes she found for me and she snapped her fingers, "Oh, and a pair of sunglasses. You'll definitely need those."

"Thanks mom," I hugged her and then thought of my father, "Don't tell him about Tyler yet, you know how he gets when I date guys. I kind of don't want him to be scared away yet by dad."

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