Goodbye Daddy

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I stay on Snotlout's chest when we hear Drago yell to his army. We put dad on a ship and send it off asx +! Gobber says the prayer and I shot the first arrow then Hiccup does because we are his children then everyone else sends theirs as we all cry.

"I'm so sorry daddy I will never be like you and now I take back everything I said a few years it is all my fault you are gone"

*Seven years ago*

"Bella you can not have a boyfriend at the age of 13" dad says "shut up dad I hate you and I wish you would just die AHHHHHHH"

Back to now

I start to cry and Snotlout comes up to me and hugs me and I hug back because I told him what happend. He goes back to everyone else "we are going back" they all smile except the twins "uh how" Ruff says "He took all the dragons except yours" Tuff says "not all of them" Hiccup says.

We get the baby dragons and fly back to Berk. I fly on Angel instead of letting her fly alone. We make it back to Berk and Hiccup tells us to distract the alpha as he gets Toothless Astrid Gobber and I make sure everyone is OK we run to find Hiccup and Toothless when we find them they are in ice.

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