The New Bad Guy

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We all go to meet in the great hall when the unexpected happens. We are all in the great hall when it sets on fire! I was sitting next to Snotlout and try to run out but I can't because there is to much smoke and Angel was not in there no dragons were I look around and see Snotlout and run to him I make it to him he sees me and starts to come to me before he makes it to me I pass out. When I wake up I am on a bed with Snotlout next to me holding my hand. "S-Snotlout" i stutter his head jolts up "oh thank Thor you are awake you were asleep for two days" he says "WHAT?!" I say jolting up.

"Hey hey calm down it is OK there was a fire you ran to me once I got there you passed out so I bought you to my house"  he says.

"W-where is Hiccup" i stutter.

"He is fine he is with Astrid she was burned pretty bad" he says then picks up my hand.

"Will she be OK" I ask.

"We hope so Gothi went to her first to check out the burns so she will be here in a few hours." He said as he take my hand.

I know it was short but I haven't been active lately sorry about that I may not be active for a while but still love you guys bye

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