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i woke up confused on where i was looking around when i heard a familiar voice
"morning" i hear tyler say am i in tyler's room!
"how did i get here" i ask "we got super wasted and then chuck sent us here but nothing happened just sleep" he informs me i nod and get up "i had fun dancing with you" i tell him he smiles "i know you did" i roll my eyes at his response "i'm going to find nate" i leave before he answers. "there's my party monster" nate says "that's me" we laugh


when i get home no one is here so i work on some homework because i can finally have some peace and quiet. an hour into my homework i hear a knock on the door so i answer it "blair!!" i hug her "i know i didn't text you it's because i wanted to tell you in person that it was amazing" she tells me a very detailed story about her date with matt and how they kissed and it was fire works so cheesy

"what did you do last night" she asks " oh you know just hang out here" i lie

why did i do that it's not like anything happened
"wow fun" she sarcastically says i laugh


later that night i get a text from tyler
hey after last night i feel weird - t
omg same i even lied about it- s
why would you lie it's me- t
exactly- s
it's not like we did anything- t
ya that would be weird- s
ya so weird- t

i just leave him on read. i'm gonna go see chuck  i'm bored and i wanna know what happened with him and that girl
i make my way to the empire
"where's my bass" i say waiting for a reply
"in his room" he sings back i laugh and go to his room "what you doing?" he is sitting on his laptop typing like crazy "i'm opening a club my father actually approved" he says making me smile "i better be invited to this opening" i reply happily "what would it be without my best friend it opens in a week" he sounds so happy witch makes me happy


i took the liberty to make a group chat with chuck, blair, serena, nate, and i
i'm so exited  for chucks club opening! i'm going who else?- elle
can't busy with matt- b
same! i have a dinner thing sorry!- s
tyler is dragging me to one of his crazy party's sorry chuck- n
oh alright guess it's just you and i elle- c

i wake up and get ready all that jazz ( jazz? idek)
when i get to school i immediately go to nate blair and serena.
"what the fuck guys!" i yell they all look shocked "what" blair says the other nodding there heads " you guys know how important this is to chuck but you guys are all 'busy'"
"look elle we all know what is gonna happen chucks father will make something up so he can't have the club" nate says "ya and we all know how that turns out" serena then comments blair just standing there agreeing
" why don't you guys have any faith" i ask " i'm gonna be there fur him just like i always am. what good friends you guys are" i say walking away to go see chuck.

i give him a hug "hey elle" he says i smile walking to class with him


when i get home i find nate blair and serena in my room i look at them "yes?"   "we want to say we are sorry but we just don't wanna deal with an angry chuck" serena says speaking for all of them  "ya plus those things are true i'm going on another date with matt and these too were telling the truth"  
"ok but you guys should apologize to chuck" i tell them and they nod there heads i call chuck and tell him to come over

when chuck arrives everyone apologizes
good work
we all hang out

sorry for the short chapter!
next chapter is juicy ;)

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