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chuck and i have been best friends forever since kindergarten of course blair and serena are my best friends too but we all have our fights as for nate we are friends i've always had a little crush on him but him and blair were dating all through middle school and before they broke up in grade 9 something about new people new opportunities? as for serena she's had so many boyfriends none really stuck probably because we were in middle school but she's grown out of that i never had a boyfriend only that time in grade 4 when i hugged nate's brother tyler he is 2 years older than us i've always found him super hot anyway we are starting our sophomore year all excited for a new year at constance.

my alarm clock went off at 7 i rubbed my eyes and quickly turned off the alarm clock. i heard my door open and looked over "good morning elle breakfast on the table" my mom greeted me then left.

quickly i put on my uniform and did a natural makeup look leaving my hair down today. i ate my breakfast said bye to my mom then headed down to the lobby. where blair and serena were waiting for me "you look cute" blair said serena nodded and hugged me i smiled.

once we arrived at constance i saw chuck and nate i ran up and chuck a big hug "how was your summers barley heard from you" i say pushing him a little "i was in brazil with my model friends" chuck replied i roll my eyes "classic bass" nate says i smile and hug nate.

the bell rings and we all rush to class. at lunch i sit with my usual table chuck,nate,blair,serena.


later that day i got a text from blair
stella i need you to come over right away - b
ok blair i'll be there soon - s

i tell my driver to take me to blair's.

"blair!" i yell because her apartment is huge
"i'm on my room!" she yells back  i quickly go upstairs and goes to her room "whats up"  i simply say she gets up excitedly "so i like this guy his name is matt he is a junior and we hung out a lot this summer and he is very cute and is very muscular but i just don't wanna mess up my friendship with nate and-" i cut her off "blair you need to relax if this guy really makes you happy i'm sure nate will understand and be happy you broke up over a year ago" i say hopefully calming her "ya you are right but like isn't he gorgeous" she smiles  i nod intensely  we laugh.


once i get home i hear my mom and dad fighting over money again i just rush to my room. i text chuck
hey my parents are fighting again any chance we could do dinner? - s
of course meet at butter at 7- c
:) - s
then i take my time getting ready for dinner

as soon as i get to butter i see chuck waiting for me he is always on time.
"hey elle" chuck says "hey ready to eat?" he nods and we walk in and get seated i have my usual chicken alfredo and he is having some kind of food i've never heard of before "so your parents fighting again?" chuck asks "you know it it's become a daily thing in starting to get used to it" i sigh " good thing you have an amazing best friend like me" he smirks  i roll my eyes and laugh "you are right what would i do without my bass" i sarcastically say he laughs and we eat our meal.


i get into bed when my mom walks in "where have you been all day" my mom asks "well you and dad were fighting and you know i hate that so i left" my mom kisses my cheek "goodnight" we says closing my door. i drift off

i wake up at 7 get ready grab an apple and headed to school.  on my way i was greeted by nate "hey killer" i laugh at the nickname "looking good stella" tyler says i smile "how is my least favourite senior" i reply "ouch got my there shortie" i roll my eyes and continues to walk with nate  we get to school and i go up to serena who is with blair "hey my lovely ladies" i say to them and they smile "we were just talking about tyler" blair says poking my shoulder you and him would be cute. i look at her like that is the dumbest thing i have ever heard "ya elle he is super hot and you guys have this i don't like you thing when we both know you doo" serena adds i just ignore them they laugh "you are such a buzz kill we need to find you a boyfriend for the halloween party" blair smiles "1 i am not a buzz kill i bring the party and 2 the halloween party is more than a month away" i say.

the bell rings and we all go to class

hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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