"i cant show you ME"

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Hara walked to school alone today because Taehyung have work to do so he have to go earlier.

Suddenly she saw Jimin but he look different than usual.

His face was full with cuts and bruises.

He also wore bandage for his broken right hand and he walked differently like in pain.

"Jimin!What happened to you?Are you getting into a fight?I waited for you yesterday.Are you ok?Let me bring you to the clinic"

Hara tried to hold his arm but then he pushed her away,

"Just go!",he walked away while Hara was standing there clueless.

Taehyung suddenly ran at her,

"are you ok?Whats going on?",he held her shoulders asking her while facing Hara infront of him.

"Im fine,im just a little shocked",she answered.


In class,both of them just sat quiet(even if it doesnt happened like before,they always act the same).

Jimin was staring at the window while Hara stared at the teacher infront.

When Jimin went to the toilet,Jungkook came to Hara by putting a chocolate bar at her table.

"Look Hara,i dont think you should befriend with him.He's a weirdo,he's always in last place and he's no use to be at school at all.I think maybe he just went to school because of his mother,maybe if his mother died,he will never come at all.Why dont you befriend us?Besides,you have those charms that i like as a girl",Jungkook smiled at her.

"wait,so he lived with his mother?",Hara asked.

"urm,nope.He have a brother,i mean stepbrother and the mother is not his biological mother.Its his brother's mother.",he answered her while felt annoyed as the reason he approached Hara is to befriend her, not to talk about that Jimin guy.

"Where does he live?",Hara asked.

"He lived near the bbq stall.After the bbq stall,there's a small housing there.His house is the only yellow-coloured there".

Suddenly Jimin entered the class,Jungkook hurriedly sat back to his seat.

Hara look back at her table and the chocolate bar that jungkook gave her before have gone.

"Why did he took back that chocolate bar if he plan to give to other people?",she thought.

She shrugged,"He is a weirdo at all",Hara looked at Jungkook as she saw him smiling at her.


Jimin arrived home when he heard his mother laughed happily different than before.

His curiosity engulfs him so he quickly entered his house hoping nothing bad happens.

"Jimin!you're back!",his mother hugged jimin and smiled at Hara.

Jimin stared at her in disbelief while Hara just smiled at him.

"Im gonna prepared for dinner. Hara,join us for dinner.Jimin,go get the table"his mother ordered.

"I help you",Hara stood up hurriedly went to the kitchen with his mother while Jimin still standing blankly.

"Hara,how long have you being friends with jimin?",Jimin's mother asked.

"Not too long because i newly moved here",she answered.

"owh really,why?is it because your parents have to work here?"she asked.

"urm..my parents have died and i lived with my brother",Hara answered while chewing.

Suddenly,his mother looked at Hara in disbelief while ungrip her chopsticks from her fingers.

"urm..im sorry Hara,i didnt meant to",she apologized.

"never mind auntie,i already get used to it"Hara smiled at her.

"dont worry Hara,you can come here anytime.i can cook for you a lot and you can hang with us together,right jimin?",she said to Jimin with a smile as she continue eating.

Jimin nodded but his eyes just stared at the food while Hara just smiled happily at his mother.


All of them waz shocked when they heard someone sliding the door roughly and a guy entered the house.

"Yoongi,you want to eat with us?",Jimin's mother called him.

"Dont bother me!"he answered but then he looked at Hara.

Hara just smiled at him awkwardly.

"This must be his brother",Hara mumbled herself.

"Maybe a bite or two",he came and sat beside jimin.

"Since when you want to join us for dinner?"Jimin asked with his sarcastic voice.

"Guys,dont fight",their mother asked them while Hara just ate awkwardly as she realized yoongi kept on staring at her.


"Hara,do come here anytime ok?maybe you can come tomorrow too",she invited her.

"Thank you auntie,jimin and yoongi oppa.bye~",Hara rode her bicycle and went home.

When she arrived home,she saw Taehyung and Namjoon waiting for her at the living room.

"Where have you been,Hara?Do you know how worried me and taehyung?You dont even answered our calls", Namjoon scolded her.

"im sorry,my battery died.i didnt meant to",she answered.

"Apologize to taehyung.He have been waiting for you and looked for you.He thought you have been kidnapped.He felt very worried for you",she looked at Taehyung while Taehyung looked away biting his lips holding his worryness.

Hara have dinner with them eventhough she didnt eat much as she felt full after having dinner at Jimin's house.

After dinner,Namjoon asked Hara to accompany taehyung.

"Taehyung,are you still mad at me?",she asked.

Taehyung sulked,he didnt replied to Hara.

"Im sorry taehyung.I will treat you icecream",she grabbed his hand and ran to the icecream stall both of them used to go.

Luckily they still opened.Both of them quietly eating the icecream at a bench near the stall.

"Are you still mad at me?",Hara asked.

He slightly smiled at her,"nope.i hope you dont do this again.if you want to go anywhere,please tell me.i felt very worried at you.i even disturbed your brother calling him during his meeting want to make sure whether you already arrived home or not.Luckily he had canceled the meeting unless it makes me feel wronged"he answered.

"I promise i will never do it again",she promised him followed by his smile.

When both of them walked home,Hara saw a mobile phone shop and it still opened.

She grabbed taehyung's hand and entered the shop.

"Why you want to buy a new phone?Arent your phone working?", Taehyung asked.

"I would like to buy for Jimin.Jimin doesnt have a phone.If i buy a phone for him,i can contact him easily.This can prevent myself from doing weird things that can make you and Namjoon worried.i have promise,right?",she grinned at him.

Taehyung smiled at her back but deep down
...he hurts..

The truth untold/The undelivered truth jimin ffWhere stories live. Discover now