Part 2 (lemon)

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Our silent but passionate journey brought use back to the bed as Saeran lovingly kissed every inch of my neck. I couldn't help but run my hands over his thin dress shirt, feeling the lean muscles underneath. As I started to unbutton his shirt, Saeran's breath hitched. "Is this ok Saeran?" I asked, stopping my actions before hearing a response. " Yeah, I'm just... a little worried you won't like what's underneath" he admitted. "There is nothing I don't love about you Saeran. I want to make all of your worries to melt away tonight" I whispered. Saeran gave me a smile and a nod, giving me the ok to continue. After undoing all the buttons, I slipped the loose fabric from his shoulders to reveal his pale porcelain skin. Saeran continued his exploration of my neck as his hands made their way to my waist. "Are you still ok with this (y/n)?" Saeran asked. With a quick nod, Saeran proceed to unzip the back of my dress. Once the clothing was unfastened, I help Saeran pull the dress over my head so I was laying in nothing but my bra and panties. Despite it being my first time so intimate with someone, I felt no urge to hide myself from my lover. Any selfcauntiousness I felt was quickly washed away by Saeran's loving movements. With my now exposed chest, Saeran began to kiss down to my covered breasts. He reached his hands behind me in an attempt to unclasp my bra. After a few failed tries, I could hear Saeran let out a few grunts in frustration. "Do you need any help there?" I giggled. As funny as it was watching Saeran get more ticked off at the mystical containment device known as a bra, my core was aching for the main event of the evening. "...Yeah" Saeran huffed, admitting defeat for this night. We both sat up as I reached behind me and fumbled with the clasp. Saeran watched my movements intently as he saw the soft cotton go limp, falling off and revealing my bare chest. His pale skin made is strong blush obvious as he sat staring, unsure of what to do next. Taking controle, I pulled him into a lustful kiss and lay back on the bed so he was over me once more. While he was distracted by the kiss, I covered his hand with my own and guided him to my breast. I persuaded Saeran to grasp my breast in his hand, and to my surprise the foreign feeling of someone else's hand upon my chest made me gasp in pleasure. Saeran eyed me for a moment, to make sure I was alright, before continuing to shower me with bliss. My lustful sounds filled him with confidence as he became bolder with his actions. While his right hand continued to massage my breasts, his left hand traveled down to my nether regions and into my panties. Slowly his fingers began to venture between my folds, earning him a loud moan from my lips. Gently, Saeran slid his digents into my dripping core, pumping them in and out in rhythm with the pressure against my breast. The overwhelming amount of pleasure shook every nerve of my body. Mindlessly I raked my fingers through Saeran's hair, trying to keep him as close to me as possible. Without warning, a surge of ecstasy rushed through me as I cried in pleasure. Luckily, with the cabin being deep in the woods, my lewd sounds could not be heard by anyone but Saeran. As the high of my orgasm began to die down, Saeran's movements slowed to a halt as he leaned back to bare witness to my unraveled form. "It's seems like you enjoyed yourself. I'm actually quite proud of myself for finding so much confidence" Saeran giggled, a prideful grin plastered on his face "we can stop here if you've had enough for tonight." "There is no way I'm stopping before I can make you feel the way I do now" I responded, my voice still breathless form my climax. Saeran began to undo his pants when he pause and looked around, as if he forgot something. "Hold on a second (y/n)" he mumbled before heading to the washroom. After rummaging through the draws and cabinets, he returned with a foil wrapped condom in his hand. "I found this while we first searched the cabin. I never thought I would end up using it though" Saeran said with a smirk. All I could do was watch in awe as Saeran removed the rest of his clothing to reveal his surprisingly long length. As he proceeded to slip on the condom, the dread of pain flooded my mind. Of course I knew Saeran would never harm me on purpose, but the thought of it sent chills down my spine. Saeran crawled back over me with a gentle look in his eyes. For a second, all he could do was brush my cheek and stare at me with total adoration. "You have no idea how much you changed my world (y/n). Last week, I would have never imagined I would be so madly in love with anyone. Yet here I am, with you. I love you, my angel" Saeran whispered into my ear. "I love you too Saeran" I replied, pulling him into a passionate kiss. With his spare hand, Saeran guided his length to my core, slowly entering me like no one has done before. A flash of pain shot through me as he continued further, causing me to groan into the kiss in discomfort. "Are you alright (y/n)? Do you need me to stop?" Saeran asked, concern evident on his face. "I'm alright, just try to go slowly Saeran" I answered. Despite his worry, Saeran nodded and started a extremely slow and gentle pace. The pain I was feeling soon melted away into unknown pleasure as soft moans escaped my lips. I could hear Saeran's quiet grunts fill the room as he concentrated on restraining his tempo. "Saeran, please go faster" I begged as I began to feel another climax come upon me. Saeran happily complied as he quickened his pace to meet my desires. My moans turned into screams as the pleasure filled every inch of my body. With an especially deep thrust, Saeran hit my sweet spot, making my vision go white. "More Saeran, more!" I cried out as I was nearing release. Saeran's thrusts became erratic and sloppy as he too was nearing his end. "I'm so close (y/n)" he growled into my neck, nibbling on a certain spot, adding another layer of bliss. Before I could respond, the feeling of ecstasy returned and a cry of pure euphoria filled the quiet cabin as I realised for the second time that night. A few thrusts later, Saeran followed with his own moan of pleasure as he released. For a moment, we both stayed silent as we calmed down from our excitement. Saeran finally removed himself, leaving me with a feeling of emptiness. He returned soon after disposing the condom, joining me in bed once more. "I hope I didn't disappoint you (y/n). I know my inexperience my have disinterested you" Saeran commented. "Nonsense! That was the best experience of my life. You did a fantastic job" I said with a smile. Saeran giggled at my words as he pulled me into an intimate hug. "I'm so happy your in my life (y/n). I feel like I can do anything while your by my side" Saeran mumbled into my neck, sending loving vibrations through my skin. "I'll always be here for you Saeran, so keep being the amazing person you are" I whispered before placing a soft kiss on his lips "now we should get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." Saeran hummed in response as we lay down together. I rested my head against his chest and a felt his arms wrap around me. I instantly felt safe in Saeran's skinny yet muscular arms. Before dozing off, I felt a gentle kiss upon my forehead. "Good night, my angel."                                          

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