Beauty and The Beast

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A disclaimer beforehand, here the protagonist is a 6 y/o girl and Taemin would be 20. You can have crushes at such ages, right? I don't remember much of my childhood, but kids these days do get smitten. That's how I imagined the little girl in this story. So just keep that in mind, before you go any further.

I was sitting on the freshly mown with my brand new storybook – beauty and the beast. I was only
four pages into it and so engrossed in Belle’s story when a tiny little dragonfly came and sat on the spine. I was so happy to see it. It had shiny green body and almost transparent thin wings. It was so beautiful. I tried to bring the book closer to my face to have a close look at it.

“Hey…!” I muttered ever so lightly. But, I think I scared it off, because it flew away. Throwing the book to the ground, I began chasing after it. Just then, I heard a chuckle from a few feet behind me. I looked back to see
who it was.

As it turns out, an older boy- a much much older boy was perched on our wall. He was laughing at me. I felt a my cheeks turning a vibrant shade of crimson with embarrassment.

Without uttering a word, I began running to my home, completely forgetting the dragon fly and my book.

I heard a thud as the boy jumped to the ground.

“Hey wait up. Here… kiddo… your book,” he shouted. I stopped in my tracks. The urge to go back and get the book and the thought of encountering a stranger made me want to walk back and run into the safety of the home all at the same time. In the end, the former succeeded. I turned back and faced the boy who was holding out the book for me. He did not move an inch closer to me. He also had a kind smile on his facing.

After inspecting his hands to check if he had an axe or a gun and satisfied that there is none, I took a step closer to him. As if realizing that I had overcome my fears, he came forward and handed the book to me.

“What’s your name, young girl?” he asked.
“Jaa—smine” I lied.
“That’s not your real name...” he said with a coy smile.

I am naturally bad at lying and now that he caught me red-handed, I caved.

“It’s Jamie,” I whispered.
“That’s a sweet name. I am Lee Francesco Taemin,” he said.
“That’s a really long name,” I mused.
“It actually is. So you can call me Franc or Taemin,” he said with a smile.
"Franc is my uncle’s name. So I’ll call you Taemin,” I said shyly before adding, “It’s a funny name.”
“I know right. But it is actually a quite common name in my country.”
“Oh. Where are you from?” I asked. But he did not seem to hear it as he began running to someplace behind me.

I was startled when he moved suddenly. Soon enough, my sudden fright changed into amusement and wonder as he came back with the dragon fly in between his fingers.
“You were after this, right? – before I scared you.” He had an apologetic look on his face. I just nodded in response.

“Do you want to hold it?” he asked, to which I nodded even more vigorously.
“Here you go…” he placed it gently on my palm. That indeed was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.
It did not sit there for longer. It fluttered it’s wings and suddenly flew away. A crestfallen look took over my face.

“Hey Jamie… Don’t look so disappointed. That dragonfly too wants to fly high. Wouldn’t you be sad if someone locks you up? The dragonfly too has to go back to her mommy and daddy. So just let it be…”
As hard as it was to admit, I knew this was true. So I smiled lightly.

Just then Taemin looked at his watch and announced that he had to leave.
It had only been ten minutes but somehow I had really started to like this boy. I felt a bit sad but did not show my emotions.

I waved him bye as he bagan to climb back on the wall. ‘Funny guy,’ I thought.

“Hmm… Will you come back again?” I shouted as he jumped off the wall. He reappeared behind the wall. He had a sad look on his face, “Today is my last day here. I’ll leave at midnight. But hey! Don’t worry. The earth is round, so there is a good chance that we will meet again. And don’t forget my name. Lee Taemin. Just leave out that Francesco part. That’ll help you find me out easier.”

He smiled at me. I waved at him one last time before going back inside my home.

There is still a slight feeling of disappointment, but something tells me I’ll meet that boy again. The
thought made me smile. And with the smile still lingering on my face, I picked up my booked and continued reading the story of Belle and the beast.

Taemin's birthday is in a few days. Are you guys excited. I so am. Usually, I draw portraits whenever someone's birthday is up. But sadly, this time I won't be able to do that. So I'm trying to write one shots.
I think you can expect more Taemin oneshots in the coming week.

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