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    The Losers had just gotten finish with a mission that had taken over two months, and needless to say, they were ready to go back home and enjoy the comfort of their own homes. Pooch of course would be returning back home to spend time with Jolene and his son, Clay and Aisha were planning on moving in together once they were back home considering their relationship had only grown more serious since they started dating, and Jensen would probably be attending his niece's soccer games and crashing at his sister's house. Cougar on the other hand, was just looking forward to going back home and enjoying peace and quiet. During the mission, all Cougar could think about was returning home and just relaxing, and the last few months had made it hard to find anytime to relax at all. But, Cougar remained patient seeing as tomorrow all five of them would be heading back home. Clay had booked the next flight back to America, which was in the morning, so they'd only have to spend one more night at the place they had decided to set up camp and stay at during the mission. That meant only having to share a room with Jensen for one more night, which doesn't seem like a hard thing to do, but thanks to earlier that night when Clay had served drinks in celebration of completing the mission, Jensen had gotten hammered and was more hyper than usual. Cougar was sound asleep in his bed when he felt Jensen sit down at the bottom, making Cougar move his feet and sit up.

"Oh god, Cougs! Did I wake you?" Jensen chuckled watching Cougar sit up in his bed.

Cougar rolled his eyes, but knew it was too dark for Jensen to see, "why are you not in bed, Jake?"

Cougar heard Jensen laugh before he replied.

"Well, I really, really, really, wanted to go to sleep but it's like I can't. Do you ever get this feeling when you're like tired but you're not really tired? It's like you want to go to sleep but you can't, like I said. So you just kind of lay there but you can't fall asleep and you're really bored so you just wanna like get up and walk around and-"

"Jake!" Cougar interrupted seeing as Jensen was rambling on and on, "I know you are having difficulty falling asleep, but remember we have to wake up early to catch our flight tomorrow."

Jensen paused for a moment leading Cougar to believe that he had successfully convinced him to go back to bed and go to sleep before Jensen immediately started talking again.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot we were going home tomorrow! Aren't you so excited?! What are you going to do when you get home? I mean it's going to feel so good not be on a mission anymore, am I right? Gosh, I'm so excited! I don't see how you aren't so excited, Cougs! Do you think-"

"Jensen," Cougar interrupted again, "the faster you fall asleep, the sooner you'll be on your way back home."

"That's a good point, Cougs! Man, I really wish I could get to sleep! But it's like I'm tired but I'm not tired. Do you ever get that feeling, Cougs? When you're tired but you're not really tired?"

Cougar sighed as Jensen continued to talk, rambling on and on. Cougar didn't want to be mean to Jensen and had tried to ask him nicely to go to sleep, but he could not stand Jensen's endless rambling. If Cougar hadn't been so tired, he might of actually found Jensen's continuous talking adorable, as he oftens does most of the time. Jensen and him were super close, and always had been even before The Losers came together. It was no lie that Cougar found Jensen attractive and wanted more than a friendship. Yet, in their line of work there wasn't really that much time to have a relationship, at least that's what Cougar told himself refusing to face the fact that maybe it was his own fear that was keeping him from telling Jensen. But anyways, Cougar was tired and wanted Jensen's rambling to stop, and all he needed was a way to get him to stop talking, a way to make Jake Jensen speechless. Then, it came to him. Without thinking and with a little help from the drinks he had earlier, Cougar scooted closer to Jensen, who was still talking about how he couldn't fall asleep and couldn't wait to be home, and leaned in to press his lips against Jensen's catching him off guard. The kiss was short, but not super short, and the whole time Cougar found the quiet that surrounded them and the feeling of Jensen's lips against his delightful. When Cougar pulled away, he couldn't really see Jensen's face, but he knew he was probably shocked and still processing what had happened.

"C-Cougs? Did we just...um...did you just...uh.." Jensen stuttered.

"Shh..." Cougar whispered giving Jensen a quick kiss on the cheek, "and please go to sleep, Jake."

Jensen nodded, realizing that he had been rambling before, and still processing the fact that Cougar had just kissed him, "yeah okay, I'm going to bed. Sorry, Cougs."

Jensen got up off the bed prompting Cougar to lay back down and close his eyes. However, when Jensen made it to other side of the room to his bed he couldn't help himself to at least say something about what had just happened.

"Cougs?" Jensen muttered before hearing Cougar's blanket rustle, his only reply a faint groan meaning that Cougar had heard him. "I enjoyed the...um...the uh...kiss, and I know I'm super sloshed but I've wanted that for a long time," he confessed waiting for a response but he knew that Cougar probably wasn't up to opening up and talking about their feelings at the moment, and he understood. "Goodnight, Cougs..."

Jensen rolled over and in minutes had fallen asleep, and only then did Cougar have the courage to whisper, "me too."

Jake Jensen/Cougar Alvarez One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now