The Locksley Family

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6 months later

Robin watched her gracefully step down the aisle. Her hair was neatly pinned up, revealing her long neck and smooth shoulders. Regina did not allow him to see the dress before the wedding, so it was the first time he ever saw her wearing it, and he was baffled. Most of all, he loved the look on her face; he could see joy, strenght and love. She looked so humble, yet so fierce and ready to conquer the world, which was exactly what made Robin fall in love with her.

Regina did not realise that Robin's vow was almost over, as she was too busy gazing into his eyes and doing her absolute best not to cry at his words, so they both chuckled when the priest coughed and almost begged Regina to begin with her vow. Watching him take her hands into his, Regina started her vow. He could feel the tremble in her voice, so he gently rubbed his thumbs across her hands, soothing and encouraging her.

"Robin Locksley, during the past year, you have been the most important person in my life. You entered my life when I was at my lowest and needed someone by my side, without even realising it, and you took the time to understand me and help me open up. You took down the walls I built to protect myself, at least as much as I could. With you, I felt safe for the first time in so many years. You gave me a home where I didn't have to fear for my own life and guided me through every harsh night I had when those memories came back to me. I am grateful and honoured to be your wife and I can only hope to be worthy of your love from now on."

One year later

"Love, we will just have to wait for your blood test results and I will figure out what's going on with you. I know that being so sick is not normal, and neither is fainting, but you have to stop worrying. There is not much we can do right now, but my colleagues in the lab are doing their best to speed up the process. You cannot lose faith because we are going to fix whatever this is," Robin said.

He could see the tears welling up in her eyes and he heard a crack in her voice as she tried to speak.
"How could I be optimistic? Everything I have done was to be a burden on your shoulders and now I might be sick. You have not done anything wrong to deserve having to deal with this kind of problems," she said.

He held his hand up in frustration, trying to get her to stop talking like this and undermine herself, but he watched her drop to the floor, shielding her head and asking him not to hurt her. Robin looked at his hand with a shocked and disgusted grimace on his face. He managed to destroy her trust in him in a blink of an eye.
"Regina," he mumbled while sitting next to her, only to have her crawl away from him.
"Regina, I did not want to hit you, I..." he said before she interrupted him.

"I would have understood. I was selfish, sorry. I should not have told you about the problems I had, you should not concern yourself with them," she said, looking at the floor.
He was at a loss for words as he looked at his wife, the one person who always put others before her, even if it meant for her to get hurt. "Regina, my happiness will never consist of something bad happening to you, you have to understand that. You can always count on me,
and I will always love you with every single thing I have," he said, managing to embrace her, feeling the tension melt away from her body.

A couple of days later

Regina watched Robin pace around the bedroom while talking on the phone to his colleague. They were discussing her blood test results and she could not read any emotion on his face, nor understand the complicated medical terminology they were using.
"Thank you so much for your help, I am going to bring her in to check if everything is alright," he said before ending the call.
He sat next to Regina on the bed, hugging her and turning her to face him. He kissed her and leaned his forehead on hers.
"Regina, we are going to have baby. You are pregnant."

She instantly thought of the miscarriage she had two years prior, but he seemed to read her thoughts and began talking again.
"Nothing bad is going to happen again, I will be here and I will take care of both of you. That is, of course, if you... Do you want to go through with this pregnancy?"

Her eyes grew wide when she understood what he meant.
"Robin, I am not going to give up on a baby just because of what happened before. I did not think I would be so blessed to be able to get pregnant again, so you do not have any chance of escaping this situation," she smirked playfully.

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