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Alissa POV
I didn't know how to feel, Happy? Sad? Yet none of those emotions came out. I looked at the house and remember the days i used to come home and children from the bus used to laugh at me.
I felt sad.

I remember the days playing alone and everyone would think i was mentally ill but in reality I had no one. My mom was at work and my dad drinking. As usual.

Then that day she was taken away from me. The terror in her eyes, yet she was brave for me. To show me it was okay and she was finally going to be free from this mess.

She was gone and she was in peace but not the way i wanted it to be. I wanted me to be with her. There were times when I thought about committing suicide but i never had the guts to do it.

I was afraid to end up like those restless soul who lingers on earth until their time was finally up.

The only person who loved and cared for me was dead.

My father, i never hated him. Not once. In my case, losing your job which was financially providing for us was a toll. No matter how much my mom was there for him, it just wasn't enough.

So he took their lives, then why not mines also.

I broke down

"Woah woah what's wrong?" Roman asked with a concerned tone.

He may have already read that part of the diary so what else to lose.

"You probably read this on the diary but this was the house i used to live in. I watched on the news how they had demolished it and build over this new house." I said with my voice cracking a some parts.

He looked at me and embraced me.

This is what i needed, he didn't knew exactly what happened but he knew it wasn't good either.

"Hey let's go to the park, i think we both need to get something both of our chest." He smiled.

I nodded and followed behind him, wait both of our chest? Is he hiding something? Well only one way to find out.

He sat besides me on the green grass and sighed.

"Do you want to go first?" He asked

I thought for a while but then I decided maybe talking to someone would help me.

"Okay, well i was bullied when i was smaller, they also thought i was a lame little girl. My father lost his job and started to run to alcohol to solve his problems and my mother.... she was beautiful, like a doll. She was working tirelessly to bring home money for us. Yet my dad thought she was having an affair to get money. The only day I decided to be a curious George was the day I regretted, just only two weeks after my 8th birthday he shot my mother in front of me and took his own life." I said laughing because i didn't wanted him to know i wanted to cry ever so badly.

Ramon POV
She was the print of Rośe, she feel she could hold the tears back by laughing, Rośe was the same exact thing.

I never thought about it but both of them shared the same stuff. The dark clothes, drawing and now the laughing to hide the cries.

Is like i found my sister again but just in a different body. I smiled at the thought. Maybe that's why i was attached to her. She had the vibe like Rośe and i knew they would have got along just fine.

I hugged her.

She was tense, but slowly went back but her body went back to a calm state.

"My turn, well i had a rich life. My parents and my sister. I wasn't a brat of a child, I treated any every one equally. My sister was one of a kind, she was beautiful but way miserable at times she would be the favorite at school and did great and i felt like i was her shadow but she always congratulated me for trying even if i did bad on a test. She was taken away from me by people i knew and the only thing i have of hers was her rose chain. You see we got into a car crash. When the car was coming towards us i unbuckled her seatbelt for her to come around be me so she wouldn't get damaged. That didn't happen instead she flew out the car several miles and she died instantly." I said

She was crying. God I didn't mean for her to-

"Continue." She said while wiping her tears

"I actually tried to commit suicide but my attempts was futile i was only hospitalized, she was my everything she made the bullies stop, make me way better in school work and talked to me when i was in a depression state."

She hugged me. Her perfume was light. Her now brown hair blew freely into the cold nights air.

It was already dark outside.

And her birthday was already coming to a end.

She slowly let go and lay in the grass and looked up at the star lit sky.

"Hey lets do something," she said

"That is?" I asked curiously

"Lets choose two of the brightest star, for Rośe and My Mom. So when we are in our lowest points they are always there in the night to talk to us." She said

"Let's do it." I said

(The left star is Alissa's Mom And The Right Is Roman's Sister)

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(The left star is Alissa's Mom And The Right Is Roman's Sister)

"It's beautiful," she said not taking her eyes off the sky.

"It really is, Hey your birthday is almost over. I brought a cake and ice cream for you."

She looked shocked

"CAKEEEEEE!" She yelled "Opps, I'm sorry i get a bit excited when i hear cake." She laughed

God i love this girl

When we arrived home i went for the cake and stick candles and brought it to her, she blew the candle out and we sat on the couch talking about out future and what are we going to do now since we were now on our own while eating cake.

While doing so she fell asleep on my arms.

I picked her up and placed her on the bed and looked at her. How long her eyelashes are and how her hair was covering her cheeks. I slowly removed it from her face and went to my side of the bed.

I guess this is our New Beginning.

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