Chapter V

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Anika hummed to herself as she walked down the stairs, fidgeting with the hem of her sleeves

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Anika hummed to herself as she walked down the stairs, fidgeting with the hem of her sleeves. It was Saturday morning and she had an event for today. She was quite disappointed when their boss informed her that she won't be joining Gauri for that huge-ass event and would be at some pooja instead.

As she walked into the dining room, all eyed turned towards her.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" Tia asked with wide-eyes.

Anika looked down at her dress. Ankle-length blue anarkali and three inch silver heels. Anika sighed. Everyone was bound to be shocked seeing her all dolled up in traditionals.

"We have this pooja event so I had to fish out something."

Tia nodded and went back to her breakfast. Anika looked at her in confusion. No comments on how her shoes were mismatched or how her eyeliner was way too thick? Something was wrong.

Anika took her seat beside her father and began buttering her toast.

"So, like I was saying, Tia ia going to be his date tomorrow and if she manages to impress him, we can go ahead and talk about their marriage."

"Mom what about the part on how Tia is also supposed to like him?" Ragini snorted.

Anika's eyes looked up to meet Tia's, amusement dancing in them. Tia's face flushed red and she stared at her bowl of cereal intently making Anika chuckle.

Three months ago, she had spotted Tia with a guy at an event. At first she thought it was just a set-up but then realised what the actual thing was. Tia had met Dushyant a year ago on one of her many dates to impress guys all on her mother's insistence. Dushyant was the younger brother and had a smaller share holding. Before Tia could even broach the topic she had overheard her Mom talking to Dushyant's over the phone and she made it clear that they weren't interested in getting Tia married to him. So, Tia and Dushyant started dating in secret while Tia tried her best to send away any other guy her Mom chose. Anika had seen Tia so many times as she tried scaring away all other proposals. She wondered who'd be on the receiving end this time.

"Anika! Are you even listening to me?" she heard Mrs. Trivedi shout and looked up blankly.

She heard her father chuckle and cleared her throat. "Sorry, I zoned out."

"Yeah, so whoever you were thinking about, ask him if he wants to marry you so I can get Tia married as well." she rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me? I was thinking about Tia and Du-" she stopped. Tia looked at her, alarmed.

"I was thinking about Tia's marriage. We can totally get her married first. I have no one in mind. For that matter, get even Ragini married." Anika shrugged and both her step-sisters looked at her in shock.

Her phone buzzed and she got up from her seat. Kissing her father on the cheek, she hurriedly said bye and walked to her room to grab her things. Taking her car keys from the table and rushed out, heading to the venue.

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