On their way home Ryu was of course leading Mai which was to go. They took the train and since it's already a few minutes before midnight, there weren't much people riding the train.
Part 3, Scene 1: a few moments before midnight, Tokyo train.
Ryu: (gazing outside the window in deep thought) *SIGH*
Mai: (pulls out small purse looking for something) aha!! (taps Ryu's shoulder to offer the candy she pulled out from her purse) here you are! (Smiles innocently) do you still remember these yum-yums?
Ryu: take that away from me! I'm too old for those kind of stupid things.
Mai: uh ok.. (Slightly depressed mood)
Mai: pfft!! (Tries hard not to laugh) *giggles* (still holding the candy on her hand)
Ryu: give me that! (annoyed and embarrassed yet grabs the all the candies and takes 2 packets at an instant and then shoves back the remaining toward Mai)
Mai: (smiles) I missed Yuu-chan. I'm so happy I'll be going to Yuu-chan's school.
Ryu: (ignores what Mai said with an annoyed tone says) can stop calling me Yuu-chan?!
Mai: (shakes head) No! I don't want to. It's what I used to call you and will always call you.
Ryu: if you don't want to annoy me you can call me by my last name. I don't like you getting too familiar with me especially at school. It's too bothersome. (Still gazing out the window)
Mai: *sigh* sorry.
Ryu: hmp! (Crossed arms)
Mai: (thinks to herself: "I wonder what made Yuu-chan's heart become so cold?" Then stares intently down at the candies that were handed back to her.)
Ryu: we're here.
Mai: huh! Ah!! Ok! (Startled)
Ryu: hurry up will you! (Rapidly stands and walks toward the train doors)
Mai: (wide-eyed) *nods* (follows Ryu out of the train)
A few streets from the train station lies Ryu's apartment. This was the same apartment complex where Mai used to live with her parents next to where Ryu's family lived.
Part 3, Scene 2: Ryu's apartment
Ryu: (opens door) here we are. (Arranges Mai's baggages near the door) wait here (gestures toward the couch, picks up the phone and dials his mom's number)
*outgoing call ring*
Ryu's Mom: (answers the phone from the other line) hello sweetie!
Ryu: hey mom, I would just like to clarify a couple of things.. You didn't happen to plan on having Mai stay with me right?
Ryu's Mom: ah yes sweetie! I offered Mai's family to have her stay at our place for the time being since they would need to have their old apartment repaired since nobody has stayed there for several years now.
Ryu: *SIGH* seriously?
Ryu's Mom: of course. You would need to acquaint her since it's been a long while since she had been to Japan. Be a darling and help out please sweetie?
Ryu: *SIGH* ok.. (Hangs up the phone and enters the closet to get some blankets) Here take these. (Hands over the blankets to Mai) you can stay on the guest room.
Mai: thank you. (Thinks to herself: I'm so excited that I would actually spend time with Ryu and to add to the fact that I would actually stay in his house for the mean time makes it even more fun.)
Ryu: just so you know. Since I'd be stuck with you and the fact that you'd be staying in our house would mean you have to do household chores. I like everything clean and neat. Don't make any mess you don't intend to clean. I'll breakdown all the rules tomorrow. Good night. (Closes door)
Mai: *nods obediently* (Thinks to herself: so that's why everything is neat and well arranged) good night. (Arranges all her bags and prepares for bed)
After Mai prepares herself to bed, she reminisce on her old memories of Ryu. Making her even more optimistic to the next day ahead.