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He faked the smile.

The same smile he does almost everytime they leave. He nodded ,agreeing or "ubderstanding"  whatever his mother and father said. He bid them goodbye. He stared at the door,then felt it again,he was left alone. His heart squeezed at the thought of his parents leaving him alone everyday. It's not that they don't love and cherish him,its that they were always "busy".

He smiled at the words they always said when they left on the business trips.

'We'll be back as soon as we can'

'Be a good sport and behave like you always do'

'We trust you'

'We love you'

Where is the love? He was always alone. Always left behind.

He looked around the apartment,his crimson orbs scanning the place he called home. He bit his lip as he looked at the picture of him and his parents,but that was taken long ago,as a child. He smiled,remembering the thought of how Valt always cheered him up as a kid. If anything,he was grateful to have Valt. The blue haired boy always had a smile on his face. Just the thought made Shu smile once more.

Then it started.

'If they love you, would they have left ?'

'Do they even love me?'

'They only come for one day,which is only spent on them talking an packing new clothes ,just to leave the next'

Tears blured his vision,he slid down the wall,soon sitting,his knees against his chest,one hand over his lips. What was the point of not making noise? No one was there to hear him cry.

No one.

He choked out a sob,his bottom lip quivering.

Would they even notice if he left? Sadly they would,but only after a while.


'Honey me and your dad will be going on a business trip,'his mother spoke in a very calm soothing voice. She never got mad,or frowned. She had beautiful white locks,her eyes shown every once in a while of happines.

His father soon walked into the living room,holding a suitcase and their luggage. 'Shu promise you wont talk to strangers,and behave at school,your old enough to take care of yourself ,right?'. Shu smiled widely and nodded,his white locks bouncing up and down. 'Your only 9,but we trust you, after school make sure you come straight home, if that friend of yours....what's his name?'


'Right,if valt want to hang out with you ,you may,just make sure you two Dont do anything bad'

The boy nodded before hugging his parents,'promise to come back soon?'

His parents exchanged looks before smiling and hugging back.

'We promise'

Now,at the age of 12,he could cook by himself,of course at first he was taught by Ms.Aoi or she would send him lunch as a child through Valt.

Not to mention his features have changed,just by one look most girls go head over heals for the young albino.  He would usually ignore or just smile at them. He wasn't the type to waste his time with relationships, but he has had some,just not ones for the whole school to know about. But even so,no girl could feel that empty void he felt.

He raised his head,his white locks hovered over his half lidded eyes. His cheeks were stained with dry tears,eyes also puffy. A smile crept on his face,he laughed slowly.

"Im so lonely"

*sigh* I have a feeling these chapters will be less than 600 words :v

This sucks

Anyways - do you feel sad or angry at the fact his parents were never around?

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