Well, hello!

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Here I am, daydreaming again. A hobby? If a hobby is a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time. Then it's not a hobby. Who in the right mind thinking that class time is leisure time? The scene of trees dancing outside might be calming but that's not the point. You know what I mean. Okay enough nonsense. Back to the scene.

So I was sitting at the furthest seat from the teacher's place available. It wasn't my usual place but today, I feel like so. I'm a simple girl. No overly cliche dramatic reasons like you see in television dramas that the protagonist have some weird reason to look cool. Then as I was enjoying my imagination, a loud banging sound came from outside the class. As usual, the whole class rushed out, ignoring the teacher. There it is, a guy on the floor, with a mountain of books covering him.

The scene was to me, awkward rather than shocking. I was the last one to see what's going on. Well, the furthest seat from the teacher also means the furthest form the exit. It's like a scene from a comedy movie which a certain character did some stupid thing and goes wrong and everyone just went silent witnessing what just took place. Yeah, a tumbleweed rolling in the background would fit perfectly right now. Yes, I'm not normal. Maybe missing a few screws and bolts. Wait, why is everyone still staring? Is he okay?

Okay, there's blood, definitely something bad is happening. Okay I'm freaking out. Breathe Jasmine. Breathe. Then a teacher came to help, but we were asked to get backup into class. So of course the class isn't silent. We just saw a guy bleeding outside for some unknown reason. I didn't know him but I hope he's okay. I really do. I feel this weird feeling, like a flicker inside.

So school ended. I waited as usual at the bus stop. Funny, no one's here. I took a glance at my wrist. Wait... My bus left 30 minutes ago! Great, next time, no trip to the canteen for ice cream. It was supposed to take only 5 minutes, but the staffs are very talkative lately. You know me, I'm not a rude girl. I didn't realise it took that long. *Sigh*. But, I wonder why did I feel the way I did earlier.

I waited alone. Being alone is great sometimes, with the consequence of loneliness. Such helpful information there Miss Obvious. Then someone with a stuffed nostril came, asking, "Can I sit beside you?". Me being the sarcastic me goes "Well, hello!".

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