Chapter 15

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Austin's POV::

Madi didn't seem her normal self when we pulled up at McDonald's. I don't know if it's her ankle, or Chris or what's wrong.

Madi's mom: austin do you want to help Madi out or do you want me to.

A: I got it don't worry.

Madi's mom: okay I'm going to go inside and talk to Chris and his parents.

M: austin I can get it don't worry about me.

A: I just don't want you getting any more hurt than tje are.

M: awe that's so sweet.

I walk behind Madi, I open the door for her and when she walks in the door Chris goes up to her and tries to hug her and she backs away. He looks at me with a slightly confused look on his face.

C: well I know you opened the door for her because she is injured, but that dose not mean you can just come in to our conversation like that.

Madi's POV::

M: Chris shut up. He's being nice and all you have to say is go away.

C: what are you talking about.

M: he was being nice and all you had to say was go away. I could have fallen if he didn't open the door for me. All you care about is yourself. You were lonely so you cheated.

C: Madi I can explain.

M: no need to I've heard enough. What am I supposed to feel sorry for you. You should feel sorry for me, I dated you for 7 freakin months.

C: we were drunk.

M: you drink?

C: yes, but, well. It's because I was so upset about you moving, so I got drunk and made out with your friends.

M: Y'all are all underaged, I can't believe it this is why I want nothing to do with any of y'all anymore.

C: we can't at least be friends

M: I think about it.

Austin unnoticeably grabbed me hand and squeezed it. I always feel so safe when he hugs me and holds my hand.

Chris' mom: why don't you sit down before your food gets cold.

I hobbled over to a booth and sat down. Chris tried to sit by me, and I stuck my foot In the seat, so he sat in front of me. Austin walked over, and Moved my foot out the way. When he sat down chis looked confused.

C: explain why he is sitting with us

A: because

M: he's my boyfriend

C: oh, so how long have you been cheating on me

A: she never cheated on you ok. We started dating after she found out what a jerk you are and broke up with you.

C: me a jerk, please. Your getting all mad at me for nothing

A: I just have some respect and I actually care about my girlfriend, unlike you.

C: what makes you think I didn't care.

A: if you go off and cheat then try to lie to cover it up, you obviously don't care. Then knowing she's mad at you, you still freakin come down to visit her.

C: Madi did you feel this way?

M: I don't know you tell me.

C: I guess you did. I'll try not to bug you while I'm here, but there's one thing you should know.

M: what's that

C: I've done some horrible things in my life. Cheating on you, and drinking is another. I'll understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore. Just note that you'll always be the reason for my happiness and smile. I came down to make ends meet but it failed.

M: I understand what your saying. We could possibly be just friends, I'll need time to think. Whenever we go to New York for Thanksgiving at my aunts and uncles I'll try and stop by and visit.

C: I'd like that a lot.


1 week later

At the airport

Chris and his parents: bye everyone

"Bye" me and my family said.

And we went home.

Hey Guys it me!! I Have not really done an authors note In a while. But thank y'all for reading and enjoying. Remember add to your library, share, vote and comment. Also please stop trying to tell me how it should end or what should happen. Btw 10 days til I see austin in concert! So excited!

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