Chapter 26

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Austins POV::

After I found out what happened to Madi, I canceled all my tours, and shows. I just couldn't believe it. I'm going to miss her, I hope she wakes up fast.

Chris' POV::

I actually think that she's dead this time. If not then she almost is. Which is a good thing. She shouldn't even be alive, unless she's mine.

Madi's Dads POV ::

I don't see how she could get hit again. All i got was a few bruises and scratches. But Madi. My poor baby.

Robert's POV::

I suspect someone who has a crush on Madi did this out of jealousy. They don't want Madi dating Austin, so they do this. I like Madi, but I would never in eternity do that.

Austin's POV::

I got to the hospital, and walked into the room. There she was. Madi's parents, said they'd give me some time alone with her.

A: hey Madi. I don't know if you can hear me. If you can then know, I love you. And whoever is doing this to you, I'll make them get put on the death sentence. Madi I canceled all the rest of my shows for you. I hope you wake up.

Then I sang her a little bit of my latest single heart is in my hand.

Madi's parents came back in.

Madi's mom: The doctor said that it will most likely be a couple of months before Madi would wake up.

Madi's dad: Even is she does wake up, she may have amnesia.

So many thoughts quick hit my mind. Madi could be fine, I just won't see her or hear her voice for a while. She may not ever remember me.

I couldn't handle it. I sat on one of the chairs in Madi's room, and cried my thoughts and feelings out.

Who keeps doing this. And why are they doing it. Madi never did anything to anyone. She's just a perfect angle. Who's suffering and I don't even know why.


Madi's POV::


Chris had just shot austin. WHYYY. I couldn't take it any more. I picked up then gun, and shot myself. Before that I said,"i hope your getting what you want chris"



Austin POV::



I looked over and the heart rate monitor was beeping. Was she waking up?

The doctor came running in.

D: Austin she's waking up. Will you go run downstairs to room 374. Her dads sitting out side the door, her mom went into labor. He is sitting outside the door incase anything with Madi happens.

I ran to the elevator. Madi was on level 7 so I had to go down. 3 minutes later I was on level 3. I found the 70 digits hallway and found room 374. Madi's dad was right outside the door.

A: Madi just woke up.

Before I knew it, he was halfway down the hall. I followed close behind. We got in the elevator and got to the 7th floor. We made our way to room 746.

Madi was sitting up in the bed.

Madi's POV::

I was sitting in my bed, when 2 boys walked into the room. One looked about my age, and the other looked old enough to be my father.

A: Madi, your awake. Theese past months have been so lonely, without my girl.

M: that's nice. But quick question. Who are you, and who is your girl?

A: I'm austin. Your boyfriend. Your my girl, we dated for a couple of months, then we've been off and on. Then you got hit by a car, twice.

M: well austin, I honestly don't know who you are. I'm not your girlfriend let alone your friend. Your a stranger and I don't know you.

Madi's dad: hey baby girl. Do your remember me?

M: your a tad bit familiar. Who are you.

Madi's dad: I'm your dad.

M: oh yeah. But where's mom.

Madi's dad: she's a couple of floors down. She went into labor.

M: I'm starting to remember.

Austin's POV::

She didn't Remember me. She apparently has amnesia, and dosnt Remember me.

M: hey Austin.

A: yes

M: I'm thinking back to my dreams and I think I remember you.

A: really.

M: ok so your Austin Carter Mahone. Your my boyfriend, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Then the doctor walked in.

D: well I can see that y'all have reunited. Madison may have slight amnesia. She'll probably get over it fast.

A: yeah, we've been through that. She's cool.

D: by the way. Mrs. Chambers just had the baby. I will come and inform you when you can visit her.

Then he walked out.

M: austin.

A: yes baby.

Madi started crying.

A: what's wrong.

M: I know who wants me dead.

A: what are you talking about.

M: I got hit by a car the first time, nothing right. Chris called and said he wants be dead. If he can't have me. Why should anyone else. He hit me the 2nd time. I know it. In my dream he killed you. Then I committed suicide.

A: Madi.

M: yes.

A: Chris, killed himself. He committed suicide. It was on the news. He walked into McDonald's then boom gone.

M: oh my gosh. That's terrible.

The doctor walked back in.

D: Madison if you would go change then you and austin can go visit your mother.

M: okay.

Madi's POV::

Austin had shown me where my suitcase was. I walked over and grabbed yoga pants and a cheer shirt. I put on flip flops and austin showed me to my moms room.

We walked in and my dad was sitting in the chair.

Madi's mom: Madi, I've missed you so much. I love you.

M: love you to mom.

Madi's dad: Madi this is your sister Mackenzie Alexis Chambers. She's going to her nickname is going to be Maci. She has a nickname given to her sense birth just like you.

M: she's beautiful.

Then austin whispered in my ear

A: just like her big sister.

That sent chills up my back.

But finally every thing was perfect. My sister, my boyfriend, my family, life. Everything.

HAIIIIII!!! I felt the need to update so there YA go. I legit love what I did with the nicknames. Anyway yeah. Vote comment follow all of that. Xoxo- LAKEN LYNN💕

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