A hero is coming

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Chapter 1

A hero is coming

A long time ago the gods got bored of the life in heaven so they decided to descend to earth and live a life with the humans. After a while they saw how much fun they had so they sealed away their power in order to live a Mortal life, the only thing they left was the power of blessing. The power of blessing allows the humans to use Magic, it increases their strength, speed, durability and sometimes they get what gods call a Skill. A skill is a special ability only available to the user. So when a god blesses a human they become part of the Familia of the gods.

Normally the gods and they familias live in the city Orion but this is not where our story begins.

Our story begins in a small Village far away from the city. In this Village, there lives a special Familia, the family of Zeus. Right now we a witness of a special occasion. A woman is bringing a new life to the Village.

,,Arrrgh" screamed the Woman at the top of her Lung

,, Breath darling everything is going to be alright" said the man that was holding the Woman's hand.

The woman just gave him a death glare.

,, Alexander Cranell If this is over you are going to wish you had never been born" threatens Rita Cranell.

Rita Cranell a woman of undescribed beauty even among the gods she was seen as a beauty. Her most unique feature of her would be her snow white here with eyes bluer than the skies.

Alexander Cranell A man whose name carries a huge weight. He has pitch black hair with red eyes.

He is a legend even among his own Familia.

Beside these two people, there are two extra people. One of them is the doctor and the other man is a man who appeared in his late 50s. He had grey hair and electric blue eyes and in his old age, he had quite the body. This man was no other than the head of the Family, The Zeus family, and that means it was Zeus himself the King of Olymp.

But back to the pair that expects the child.

,,Arghh" screamed Rita

,,Ok I can see the head already you just have to push" explained the doctor

,,Arrrrggghhhh" and with that, you could hear the scream of someone who had his first breath.

,,AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" screamed the baby

Rita looked really Exhausted but when she saw her baby she couldn't find it in herself not to cry in happiness, even after such a long birth she wanted to stand up and dance in happiness but she knew better.

After the nurse came back with a now clean baby she handed him back to the now new-made mother.

,, So whats the lad's Name" asked Zeus the new Parents

After a while, both parents said at the same time

,,Bell, Bell Cranell that will be his name"

Zeus just smiled

,, A fitting name indeed" stated Zeus.

5-Years Later

We now see a 5-year-old boy hitting what seemed a dummy with a wooden sword. But he wasn't alone there with him were two mans one older than the other, both watching with smiles on their faces.

,, Bell watch you feet you still don't use them " said the younger man.

,,Hai to-san" and with that he concentrated again in the dummy but this time he also used his feet to attack the dummy.

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