Card on the desk

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I came equipped, of course. All of the equipment was there at my disposal. The cameras I controlled were there for me to use. Do your job. Enhance. Enhance. A business card on the desk. Clara Jackson. I had a full name. I also had Facebook, and knew exactly what to do. Enhance. Enhance. I smirked the first time I found her profile - Facebook's security theater hadn't won her over. Maybe I did a little research. Maybe everyone has done a little research before on Facebook in this way. But everyone stops after a bit because they feel guilty or awkward. After all, it's only healthy. Besides, it was still an early point, and I was still running the Panopticon. Not running it well enough. Audio. I needed audio. I made a phone call to my superiors, the first time I had done so in a while. Now, what happens when they say no? No becomes 'it's needed.' 'It's needed' becomes 'yes.' 'Yes' becomes 'immediately.' Suppose I take a night shift, and some people break in. These are bad people. Good people. Good at what they do. They just lost sight of what it means to be good. Or rather, lost hearing. They took out the cameras, yes, but as they stole some documents, they shouted a bunch, and that's what alerted me to them. Suppose they only barely got away, and left nothing traceable. Suppose the audio could have been the only clue. That's when no becomes yes. After all, these guys were good. Very good. They knew exactly how to hide themselves, maybe they worked in security before or something. The documents? Of little value, but it was a matter of principle. Besides, the documents weren't hidden at this point, they were burned, but no one knew that, so they'd be chasing after nothing for a while. Tomorrow, the microphones would be installed.

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