Chapter 12.2 - Haram

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After a short respite on the docks, Lieutenant Nikon ordered the soldiers to fall in. Newly acquired carts in tow filled with supplies, we made our way towards the main city. I caught a glimpse of the conduit of Mater atop one of the carts. I imagine he shared a more comfortable accommodation with Lieutenant Nikon during the voyage.

We followed a dusty path, much different from the cobbled streets of Imperium, up into the city. Two weeks upon the sea with no opportunity to exercise had weakened both my body and mind, making the gentle incline of the path seem like a mountain. The city felt like a labyrinth, buildings made from the earth itself rose all around us, trapping the heat below. Before long, my mouth was dry, and I was drenched in sweat. I had not been in a state like this since Mallary's conditioning back at Camp Bubona. I could not help but stare at the Haram people that we passed. It was not just the shade of their skin, but the clothes they wore. Most donned beige robes that covered the length of their body, accompanied by a wrapping of cloth around their head. It looked like an unbearably hot attire to be wearing in this climate. Despite the many Haram that walked the streets, there seemed to be less homeless than what could be found in The Capital, and while the streets were made of the dirt and dust, they seemed cleaner than the streets of Imperium.

We passed through what looked to be an old trading street. Signs hung above vacant shops. One depicting a fish, framed by symbols which I could only guess was the letters of the Haram language. It felt as if prosperity had fled this part of the city. The convoy of soldiers reached the large dusty courtyard, two giant stone pillars framed the entrance to the largest building I had seen so far in this city. Like the other buildings, I could not identify where the bricks connected, smooth earth lined the walls. How they built a structure this big from shaping the earth, I did not know.

My bewilderment was quickly extinguished. Just across the courtyard more Haram than I was willing to count hung from a wooden frame. The gallows stretched the length of the courtyard, its occupants strung by either neck or feet. Crows circled, pecking the flesh from bone. They had stripped the flesh clean from one corpse's face. It was easy to see that the city was controlled by Imperium, apparent as two Imperium guards stood at the foot of the gallows, eyeing passers-by. They looked hot and agitated. The Haram seemed to lower their heads as they passed the guards. As we left the courtyard, I heard a women's scream in a foreign tongue come from the direction where the guards stood. I turned my head to see a woman being dragged away by her arm, but the march had taken me beyond sight to where I could not see its outcome.

For a city of this size, I had expected to see some kind of wall or defence surrounding its perimeter, but the city just faded into the wilderness, the buildings slowly fading. A group of soldiers sat upon their packs at the side of the rode. One stood and called over, a woman with dark Aon skin mixed with sharp Imperium features. 'Permission to fall in, Sir!' She shouted towards Lieutenant Nikon.

'Granted' He called over.

The group of soldiers arose from their seats and joined the march. As the landscape opened, I peered around, taking in the surroundings. To the north, mountains ranged as far as the eye could see. To the south, flat planes seemed to go on forever.

'Aren't you a young'un' A voice called from my side. It was the woman soldier. 'How did you like Giza?'.

'Giza?' I replied.

'The city you just passed. You're fresh off the boat, no?'

So, the city was called Giza. 'We have just arrived today.'

'Ah, fresh meat then' The woman mocked. 'I'm Nemain, first sergeant.'

My heart dropped, I had no idea I was addressing someone who held rank. The first sergeant I had ever met. 'I-I'm Sed, Sergeant.' I formally stated, trying to stand straighter.

Nemain laughed 'Don't worry about all that "Sergeant" business. When we're out here, it's best to keep things a bit more casual. I would keep the "Sir" with officers though. They are a funny lot about things like that.'

I nodded.

Nemain continued. 'I'm stationed out in Fort Victoria. I was just sent to run some prisoners back to Giza. You probably saw some of them as you passed the gallows.' She grinned. It shocked me how casual she could be about taking another's life. Especially hanging them in the gallows to be pecked to death by crows. 'I'm glad you lot arrived when you did, it's best to travel in groups out here. Never know who might be watching. You know where you'll be stationed?'

It had never occurred to me. I knew I was heading for the front but did not know where or how that was happening. 'Not yet'. I tried to sound like I had considered these things.

'Well could be you'll be with me in Victoria. You'll find out once we reach Libertas.' Libertas, that's where Mendax was stationed. 'It won't be a long journey. A few weeks at the most.'

The sun hammered down upon us for the rest of the day. The path ran parallel with the mountains, keeping them to our left. Other paths stretched off from ours, leading up into the mountains. Every so often, a group of carts pulled by worn looking Haram made their slow way towards the city. Stone lined with silver and gold veins filled the carts. Imperium soldiers flanked the Haram and offered a motivating hit with clubs they took from their belts. Nemain had said that when she first arrived, the stream of Haram drawn carts was constant. Gold and silver flowing back into the city and across the sea to Imperium. Now, though, the mines had started to run dry. 

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