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A/N: this is something a bit different, i hope you like it thoughh ;;

"Hah! I told you! See? He's still alone, where's my money?" Shavo's classmate asked another, giggling a little.
"It's been a week? Fine..," the other obliged and put a five dollar bill on the table.
Despite of the loud chatter of the cafeteria, Shavo's attention was grabbed by the exchange.
"What's this all about?" He asked, looking at his two classmates.
"There's this weird new dude, he's always by himself. Like, he's so strange, he doesn't really talk and he growls when he's angry and stuff, he thinks he's a dog or something," one of them said, a girl who had just been given the five dollars, "I bet that he wouldn't get any friends for the first week of school, and I won!"
"Whatever, Kate, at least I bet on something that wasn't mean," the loser said, putting a spoonful of soup in her mouth.
"Hm... Isn't this kinda fucked up? Betting on someone's life like that?" Shavo questioned, but got ignored. His gaze searched the cafeteria until he found who he was looking for.

Daron was sitting all by himself at a table for two people. He was carefully picking at his bowl of soup, seeming to only eat the meat.
It was a half full moon, which meant that the freshman needed to wear baggy pants and some sort of hat to hide his ears and his tail. He didn't want anyone knowing that he was a mythical creature for... obvious reasons.
Nobody was sitting with Daron, and sadly, he had gotten used to it. Nobody really liked him. Not in kindergarten, not in elementary or high school, and not now, in college. He told himself that he had accepted the fact that he'd be spending his life alone, but still, it made him cry, sometimes. And it felt like everyone was just rubbing it in his face in moments like this, talking with friends and smiling, and laughing together.

Shavo saw the lonely boy, and observed him for a little bit. He didn't seem strange at all, to him. Actually, he seemed pretty... cute. But the older didn't move from his spot and just resumed eating.
"Hey, what's up?" Suddenly, John's voice disrupted Shavo's thoughts, and his friend sat down closeby.
"Oh, nothing, you know. Just... kinda bothered that Kate got five fucking dollars from betting that some guy wouldn't get any friends," the taller spoke, stirring his soup and scoffing.
"Oh, the dog guy?" John asked, "the one who growls at people?"
"Jesus, don't call him that... He's just a guy," Shavo replied, he looked over at the lonely freshman again, "should I go talk to him?"
"Do you want to talk to him, or do you just want to feel better than everybody else?" The shorter questioned with an amused tone. He earned another scoff in response.
"Anyway... Wanna come to my house to jam this weekend? With Serj and all?" John spoke after some moments of silence.
"Oh, sure, man," Shavo replied. The three always hung out and made little songs together. They were nothing special, and always felt like they were missing something, since they didn't have a bassist. Shavo knew how to play both instruments- the guitar and the bass aswell, but, of course, couldn't play two at once.

Daron soon stood up and left the cafeteria to go to class. His sudden movement made the two juniors notice that it was almost time for class, and they finished their food quickly so they wouldn't be late.
The day went on as normal, for Shavo, but every once in a while, thoughts about the "dog guy" popped into his mind and wouldn't leave. Was he really just a guy? If everyone found him so strange, was he really... human? These thoughts seemed so dumb, especially for Shavo's standards, but something still made him imagine all kinds of childish things.

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