Chapter 9 ~ I completely forgot!

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*Phoenix's POV*

I'm lead peacefully in bed, finally feeling human again, after a long bloody time at Malfoy Manor.

My mind starts to drug off, I start thinking about Gus, I miss my best friend.

He has always been there for me.

The only thing I have to remember him by is the tip of his tail...

Wait a minuet?

~Flash back~

"The time is approaching, but will pass. It's will take the one who laughs. Be quick to save this Mischief maker, for he will meet his life taker"

~Back to reality~

The freakin' Vita Excepto potion! I completely forgot.

I quickly get up out of bed, waking George up in the process. He tries to shout out for me without waking up the whole house in the process.

It's about 6:30 in the morning, I didn't realise it was so early.

But wait, the tip of Gus' tail is the last thing I have of him, I cant use that.

But this wouldn't be an accruing thing if it wasn't important.

But wait, I can't just go alone, the dark Lord is looking for me.

Shit, what do I do?!

I don't even get to the top of the stairs before George catches up with me, looking worried.

"For crying out loud woman you scared the life out of me, what's wrong?"

He says, panting while holding into the railings as if he would lose his balance at anytime.

"I just remembered something, something important. it's a long story, but I need to go home and do something for a minuet..."

"I'm going with you, don't argue with me, I'm not going to lose you again"

He says, walking towards me slowly, snaking his arms around my waist, pulling me close.

I wrap my arms around his neck, resting my chin on his shoulder.


I know George is worried about me, he probably wants to know what I'm so eager to do.

I don't know if I should tell him though. Would he understand?

We apperate to my dad's house only to find it once again empty.

I walk in and instantly feel a cold shiver down my back as I usually do when I walk into this old place. It makes me think that Cedric's soul or spirit is still here. It may sound weird but it's sort of a comfort thing if you've lost someone close to you, it makes you feel as if they're still there.

I walk up the stairs towrads my room and open the door, only to find it spotless. Which means dad's been in here tidying my room. Luckily, I thaught ahead and put all the things I need under the floor boards.

And some other momentoes from my childhood, its kind of a good luck charm thing for me, although I've not had much luck.

''So, what's all this for again?''

Oh yeah, I forgot George was with me, whoops.

''I, to be honest, I don't know. I had a recurring dream last year, and in this dream all I heared was a voice repeat the same thing over and over again. It kept saying 'The time is aproaching, but will pass. It will take the one who laughs. Be quick to save this mischief maker, for he will meet his life taker' I still don't know what it means, but after that I had a dream that my Mother told me I needed to make a life saving potion called Vita Excepto. So that's what this is''

I look at George and can't help but laugh at the look on his face. It was priceless, now he thinks I'm lying.

I take out Gus' tail tip from my pocket and carfully read the instrucstions.

To get the very center of the Chinese Blue Emeralds tail, you need to carfully cut the tail around the outside, about an inch deep to ensure the center is intact. Once you have done this, then gently place the center into the mixer and leave over night for it to slowly dissolve.

Seems simple enough, saying that, nothings ever easy. I take a shaky deep breath in and start to slowly cut around the outside of the tail. My hands are shaking really badly.

After what feels like years, I finally get the core out from the tail. It looks like a soft spongey coral sort of thing.

I gently place it in the rest of the potion and leave it to brew over night. I still don't get what this is for, but I hope it's worth it.

It all came crashing down (Sequel to Learning to Fly)Where stories live. Discover now