Chapter Ten: Temple Storm

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         With the twilight of dawn now upon us, Tobi and I packed up our camp. We grabbed a quick bite to eat as we took down our perimeter, only taking time out as Tobi showed me how to use the Enclosing Technique, allowing me to try sealing away our packs myself. With that accomplished, we then made our way back up into the trees and took off at a sprint. As the time drew near for the sun to arrive we watched through the treetops as the sky turned dull; grey clouds hanging in the air blocking the suns warmth. I would be quite pleased if the sun didn't join us today as it meant that we wouldn't have to slow down in the heat of the afternoon. Tobi, though, felt uneasy at the gloomy skies presence and remained unnecessarily close to me as we jumped from branch to branch.

         The second day passed with no surprises and the rain held off, not even a rumble of thunder or a flash of lightning dared to appear. By the time we decided to stop for the night and have dinner, there were light drops of water making their way lazily through the canopy of the trees. We found a decent spot among the forest floor and cleared the area to make camp. Tobi pulled a tent out of his scroll and began to set it up as I once again made us a perimeter, this time adding my special "Storm Master Technique" into the mix, as requested by Tobi. I had made the fire and even began to cook a stew as Tobi proceeded to fight with the compressed shelter.

         "Ah!~" He cried out in frustration. "I can never seem to get this stupid thing to do what it's supposed to!" He flopped onto the now damp ground and stared upwards. I chuckled at this behaviour as I dished up our food.

         Walking over I handed him his portion before sitting down next to him. "Well, we can figure it out after we eat," I said cheerfully, clapping my hands together and saying my thanks. Tobi sat up and nodded, copying my actions as he then began to dig into his meal.

         "Ah! Hot!" He exclaimed, fanning his mouth and grabbing his canteen, turning away to chug the water in an attempt to douse the burn.

         "Of course it is, Tobi... I just finished cooking it..." I giggled a little as he turned back and tried once more, blowing on the meat before munching on it this time.

         As he chewed on his mouthful I was graced with his pleasurable sounds of approval. "Mmm!~ It's good, ___!" He said happily as he took another bite, moaning from the taste repeatedly. I grinned with a deep blush at the noises as I ate my own.

         "I'm happy you're enjoying it so much," I replied with another chuckle. He just hummed happily, scarfing down another bite.

         When we were finished eating, Tobi and I worked together to set up the tent. It didn't take long for the two of us to make the thing cooperate; it now standing tall and secure. That accomplished we then found a small creek where we could wash our dishes and then ourselves, rinsing away the layer of sweat we had accumulated during our day of running. Snuffing out the campfire we then made our way into the dry tent, out of the gloomy and chilled evening. Unravelling our sleeping bags and crawling into them we snuggled down for the night.

         I was about to turn over, falling asleep, when Tobi began to talk. "Hey, ___, I forgot to tell you before we left." He began, shifting his position in the sleeping bag a little. "I wrote a letter to Kisame and stuck it to your door." I shot up and stared disbelievingly at Tobi, wide-eyed in horror.

         "Tobi!" I all but screamed.

         He chuckled and sat up. "Don't worry, ___.~ It was an open letter, letting everyone know we're out on a mission, so relax.~" He cooed playfully as he watched my face turn red. "It's really only to Kisame, but with it written this way he can see it and know where you are and the others won't know it's for him!" He sounded pretty proud of himself as he unveiled this information.

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