We meet again

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Today is September first no one is allowed to talk to me today. they don't know why but I do.Today is the 5th birthday of my daughter Zendaya Maree Maraj. I know it's so damn crazy but i wish I wasn't so stupid and left her on the doorstep of Jones Foster home for children.

There was a knock at the door.

"Nicki, can I please come in?" I recognized that voice as Wayne's

"Yea sure" I yelled at the door. When he came in I could tell he wanted to ask me something.

"Can I ask you something?" he said nervously running his hand through his dreds.

"Sure" I said suspiciously

"I noticed that every since I have known you on this day you get sad and depressed but, can I ask why?" I knew I couldn't lie to him so I told him the story about Zendaya and Drake out cause I knew he would be pissed.

"That is why I'm upset" I said holding back the tears

"Why did you give here up? You have the whole YMCMB team on your side to help you raise her." he said sweetly trying to lighten up the mood

"Wayne it was 5 years ago and our careers were just taking off and I knew Drake would want me to abort her and if I kept her I wouldn't know what to do cus I'm not fit to be a good mother" I said as tear began to fall down my cheeks

"Nicki, don't ever say that you don't know until you try but the question is, Do you want her back?" he said pulling me into his arms and looking down at me.

"Yes of course I do bu-" he cut me off right there

"Then we are going to find her for you" he said standing up

"What is someone has adopted her already?" I said looking at him sadly

"Don't think like that because we will find find Zendaya" he said walking out the door

Zendaya's POV

Today is my birthday but it doesn't matter my foster parents thought that someone would adopt me by now but no one has yet. Ms jJones said that my mommy left me two things this locket and her last name which was Maraj.

"Wake up everyone time to get up and get ready for school" Ms. Jones the house mother yelled. I'm lucky because I don't go to school she home schools me because the other kids pick on me.

After the rest of the kids left for school I went down stairs and started getting ready for her to start teaching me.

"Zendaya, today we will be learning about math" she said looking at me as I was sitting in the chair.
By the time it was the middle of the day I knew how to add and subtract. for some reason I got lost in thought and started staring at the locket around my neck. As Ms. Jones was talking the door bell rang.

"I'll go get it" I said running to the door. When I opened I saw a really pretty lady with light skin like mine and a man with dark skin and drawing all over his body.

"Zendaya, Who's at the door?" Ms. Jones said coming to see who it was

"I don't know" I said

"Oh Please come in, this little one is Zendaya." She said ruffling my hair. I hid behind Ms. Jones legs because I'm really shy around other people. When they came in they went to sit in the living room and I started to to play with one of my toys on the couch next to Ms. Jones. as they talked I really didn't listen to what they were talking about because I was playing with my favorite doll.

"Zendaya, introduce yourself to the guests and be polite" Jones said

"Hi, I'm Zendaya Maree Maraj, What's your name?" I said walking over to shake my hand


OMG after all of these years she still has my last name and the locket. She is so polite I didn't think that she would still be at the same foster home.

"Well, hello Zendaya my name is Onika Maraj." I said shaking her little hand

"Hey we have the same last name that's pretty cool" She said smiling. That is my child I knew it because she looks just like drake when he was little

"Hi what's your name?" She said looking at Wayne

"My name is Wayne, nice to meet you Zendaya" He said shaking he tiny hand. which was so cute because she started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" he said looking at her curiously

"Because someone wrote on your face silly" she said making all of us in the room start laughing

"Zendaya go back in the kitchen and finish your work" Jones said

"Okay" she said running out of the living room

"So you are Zendaya's birth mother, I knew that girl had some music in her backround" Ms. Jones said Chuckling

"Why do you say that?" I said

"She's always singing and dancing around the house" she said

"The apple don't fall far from the tree" Wayne said laughing quietly

"Would like to adopt her?" she asked curiously

"OMG yes I wasn't sure if she would be up for adoption after all of this time" I said excitedly

"Yes, Zendaya has always been shy and to her self and when she gets scared she puts her hair in her face. no matter what we do she will not let any one cut her hair so we always have to put it in a long French braid which she loves" she said

"So when can we adopt her" I said. she explained the adoption process to us.

"So we can take her home today" I said

"Yes you can and for the next two months there will be people coming in and checking up on her to see if the home Is stable" she said getting some papers from the office

"Just sign these and you can take her home, I'm going to get Zendaya" she said getting up


"So you happy?" Wayne said looking at me

"Hell yes imma have my little girl back and I can provide for her but I don't want to leave her when I go out of town for tours nah shit like that" I said filling out the papers

"Well, you could just get a tutor and take her with you" he said leaning back

"You know what that's a good idea" after I said that I saw Zendaya walk In the room with a big duffel bad and sit on the couch across from us

"So your my real mommy" she said looking up at me. I noticed that she have drake eyes which are hazel green

"Yes I am which make you my daughter" I said finishing the papers and putting them down

"Does that make you my daddy" she asked Wayne who was shocked

"No I'm not your dad but I'm like your uncle" Wayne said looking at her. after he said that she walked up to me and sat on my lap

"I still have the locket you gave me" she said leaning against my chest. Before I started to talk Ms. Jones walked in

"You can take her home now" she said looking at Me

"Bye Ms. Jones" Z said hugging he

"Don't forget your manners munchkin" she said as we walked out the door.

I am now entering the life of mother hood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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