Chapter 1

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And now let us fast forward all those countless years to when things began to take place in Alagasia.

It was an April morning when Snow White's life changed forever. But let me tell you a little bit about Snow White.

Snow White was a peculiar kind of girl. She liked to climb the top of the palace roofs, eat raw cake batter, and even slide down the stair banisters. I know what you're thinking, she was the perfect kind of girl in an ironic way; the kind of perfect that made every kind of guy fall in love with. She was perfect in a sense that no matter what she did, she would always remain impeccable.

Seriously, even when her mother died, Snow White remained to be true and fair. Sure she was sad, but she never took her anger out on anyone. She remained sorrowful, but she wasn't ever mean. 

Her father ignores her, as he marries like ten other women, and Snow White isn't a single bit bitter about it. And if she was really bitter all this time, then she obviously does a good job of hiding it.

By now you're wondering who I am, am I right? Well try to bare with me for at least a little bit; my story's worth hearing out.

"You're father's been struck by the Plague." Snow White's dear old butler said gravely his eyes brimming with tears that are yet to fall.

Snow White looked as if she hadn't heard him right. "Excuse me?" she managed to say politely. Next to her stood Iviette, your literal epitome of a stuck up blond devil.

"The King is dead?" Iviette shrieked. Snow White calmly put a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"He's only ill." there was a hard tone to Snow's voice, but I couldn't blame her; there wasn't a person who didn't get annoyed with Iviette at some point of their lives. "Can you take us to him?"

"My dear Snow White, of course I can." Butler Arthur spoke kindly as he led the way. But not before motioning me to come as well.

I followed behind them as silent as a ghost, only I wasn't one. We walked out of the main room and climbed a steep set of stairs. The whole way was a tense, awkward silence. Finally we reached the Royal Hospital.

Sure enough his Royal Highness was lying there, his complexion was a dying gray as black splotches were taking over his skin. I turned away from the sight, as everyone but Snow did. She kept staring at the King until she tentatively reached her for her father.

Until Iviette shrieked, "Snow! What the hell are you doing?! You can't touch the ones who have been struck. We're even putting ourselves in danger just by being in the same room of the the ill ones! Come on Snow, lets get out of here!"

Thank Iviette for at least some common sense. "No, wait, please. Let me be with my father."

Butler Arthur was trying to find a way to tell Snow White "no". After a few moments of looking like he was having a mouth spasm he slumped his shoulders in defeat.

Like anyone ever refused a Royal, I rolled my eyes.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" his Majesty the King roared as he suddenly shot up from his bed, which I may say was ten times better than the straw mat I slept on everyday. And this was just a bed for the infirmary room.

"Father!" Snow White reached to hug him. As much as I'm trying to understand Snow White, it's pretty hard. I mean give me some credit for trying to empathize or even sympathize with her, a princess.


"What is he talking about?" Snow White demanded, showing more anger and sorrow than she did in years. 

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