A New Start With Mr. Baldi!!!

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As i got ready for my first day of school, I made sure everything was with me.

"Alright. Hair styled. Check. Cute outfit. Check. Pens, paper, notebooks, and pencils. Check. Textbooks. Check. Lunch. Check. Bag with all school stuff in it. Check. Breakfast?" I looked on the counter and grabbed my breakfast sandwich. I took a bite into it.

"Delicious! Alright. I think I have everything. Let's do this!" I said to myself as I walked out of my house. I then locked the door and walked down my steps. I looked to my side to see my neighbor. I smiled and waved. "Good morning Mr. Baldi!" I said as he locked his door, holding his bag. 

He looked over to me and smiled. "Well good morning Miss L/n. Ready for your first day at school?" "You bet! I hope I'm in your class. I'll see you there!" I said and ran down the sidewalk. Mr. Baldi was my neighbor and a teacher at my school. We met when I was moving boxes in my house.

As I ran down the street eating my breakfast, I made it to my school and looked around. Most people here were in groups studying or talking about school related stuff. I sighed, wandering how it's going to be in class. This school is all about student's education so everyone will be like a nerd in this school.

I smiled to myself as I finished my breakfast. This is the kind of place for me. As I walked to the principle's office, I saw people staring at me as I walked down the halls. I wonder why they're all looking at me? Is it my hair or how my outfit looks? I shook off the feeling and made it to the principle's office. 

I knocked first before entering. "hello sir. I'm Y/n L/n. I'm new at the school. I came to get my schedule."  I said as I close the door. "Oh good. Nice to meet you Miss L/n. My name is Mr. Style. Welcome to my school." he said, looking at me weird. I shook off the bad vibes.

"Nice to meet you too sir." I said and shook his hand. "Here's your schedule. It's based off of your entrance exams you had before you came here and I must say. You are a very smart student to end up in his class." he said as I opened the piece of paper. I smiled and saw that I was in Mr. Baldi's class.

"Thank you sir. I'll try my best in his class." I said before leaving. "Oh one more thing Miss Y/n. If you fall behind in his class in any subject, you will immediately be taken out of his class and placed in a new one. Is that clear?" he asked, his voice as deep and thunder. 

"Yes sir." I said and left his office. "What a weird principle." I said and walked to my class. "Class 99. Hm....it should be right here right?" I asked myself and saw the door. I smiled and walked in to see Mr. Baldi reading a math book. I chuckled and closed the door.

"Oh! Hello Miss Y/n! Is there something you want?" he asked as I walked towards him. I handed him my schedule and smiled. "I'm in your class now. I hope I do good." I said and he took a look at it. "It looks like you have all of my classes! You must be a smart girl." He said,ruffling my hair. 

I chuckled and smiled. "The bell is about to ring for class. Have a seat in the chair outside so i can call you in." he said. I nodded and walked outside the class, sitting down in the chair. I sighed as i started to get a bit nervous.

Baldi's POV

Oh Golly! Y/n is in my class now! It's like a dream come true! Y/n is the most cutest, most kindest and the most perfect girl I've ever met. Even though we met only 3 day's ago. But still, something about that girl makes me wonder what kind of person she is.

As my students gathered in my class, the bell ringed and class has started. "Good morning class. As all of you know, we have a new student! Miss L/n, please come in." i said looking at the door. she came in and to the front of the class.

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