"Dear lord please save me."
It wasn't supposed to happen like this, he wasn't supposed to catch them. His car had broken down twelve miles back, yet the cracked lights were clearly staring her right in the face. HOW?! Just how had he made it this far!?
1, thump, 2, thump, 3, thump, 4, thump. Count to ten and it will be gone, that was the rule for fear, yet his ghastly face was still marching straight for her. Thick lines etched down his crooked cheeks from where her nails had sunk down in frantic attempts to escape, though the blood had now dried. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, deep pounding steps herded the frightened doe back into the trees.
"Count to ten and it will be okay." This was no dream, the sickening crack coming from her head was real. 1... 2... What was his face becoming, it's skin seemed to become horrible ripped in places as though his very skull was extending. "Dear lord please save me." Hallowed eyes watched her with intensifying interest and his neck created an unholy popping sound like what might expect from a gunshot.
Arms swung wildly and limply from his ever elongated form, his neck hung limp as it grew. "Dear lord please, please lord save me." Count to ten and it will be okay. 'You'll be okay', she promised herself.
His skin split and tore madly from his inhuman form, a sound emitting from it's crooked skinless smile like nothing she'd ever heard. Where was god?! His lips split at the edges as his mouth grew ever longer, the malice in his eyes too much for any human to carry. This was no man, this was a beast. His spindly fingers grasped at the remaining skin to tear chunks of flesh as the screeching mouth grew ever closer. His eyes were still intact as he watched his prey, his quivering prey.
God what was happening to him, his arms were longer than even the girl. His jaw hung loosely as his soul seemingly torn out from his throat. Bones were exposed as he extended more. Where was god?!
The jaws leaned forward from the skinless horror, rattling and shaking as the girl stayed frozen. Where was god? She couldn't tell if she made a sound, nor if she even moved as the beast clamped down upon her frail hand and tore. Flesh and blood was flung as it madly ripped away her fingers and wrist. The hand was thrown away as though the beast decided there was better prey. It's skeleton was visible through the slim layer of skin that had managed to survive. The hind legs rose above it's front, though it's neck still allowed it to reach wherever it might need.
God did not exist. This beast was proof that there was no such thing. This growling monster that crunched her bones to splinters, this beast that had sprouted from a man's body. It feasted on her organs which now spilled on the ground like one might spill something as simple as a grocery bag. It tore at her stomach with such malice that she questioned how she still saw this. Her own organs hung from it's mouth, yet she couldn't look away. This beast was the death of her. It watched her reaction to it's display of benevolence with interest and reached up to caress
near her cheek like one might show affection to a loved one.
The screaming noise had died from it's mouth after it had thoroughly rummaged through her intestines. She was strewn about the little forest as though she was simply party decorations in preparation for some greater deed. Somehow the beast looked satisfied watching her stillness.
How she was still alive was beside her, though by now nothing could faze the mutilated party decor. Not even the beast tearing a small child like figure from it's own stomach could bother her. It cradled this innocent looking child to the point she assumed it was it's own. The thing couldn't have survived outside, yet it did.
The beast began to approach the downed woman with a sideways crawl and clattering noises. It's own organs down trailed behind it like a parade as the beast began to force this child inside her. It manually split her open to insert it's own demon spawn into her body as though it planned this all along.
It was certain she screamed by now, the beast's horrid baby now tucked inside her mutilated form. This was too much, too much. There was nothing that could ever fix this. She screamed far more than humanly possible until the monster's tongue was crawling across her face. It's slime coated every bit of her to stop the incessant noise. She was silent as it began to tingle her senses, creating a feeling almost akin to pleasure yet just short. "NO!" She told herself. This was not okay! She did not want this child! But something was changing, she did indeed want this child. It was her child, her beloved little baby. "NO!" Something in her screamed, but she was too far gone. The beast would guard her body until it's offspring was full term and she would not fight it. She would not resist as the demon child ate her whole after it emerged.
God did not exist.

A Collection of Disturbance
TerrorThis is a compilation of several short "horror" stories I have/will write. Keep in mind, one chapter is one story. WARNING: Very graphic and disturbing features. Please be advised ahead of time. This is the only warning.