Dear little Miss Anna Lee, I'm afraid time has caught up to me. The king has come for my head, so I know I will soon be dead. His soldiers march after my quiet footsteps as a great thundering herd. The melodious thumping follows just a mile back, lulling me closer and closer to endless sleep. I'm certain they'll catch me soon, so I write this now.

Little Miss Anna Lee, it's a shame you had to see. If only you hadn't know, this side of me would never have shown! I blame myself for the horror burned into your mind. 'Tis something I think could just push me to the brink.

I'm running as I write with the pen racing forward as it tries to keep pace with my frantic thoughts. I'm sure he will hang me for what I've done. He'll burn my eyes and sever my hands so I may never hold that knife again.

Little Miss Anna Lee, please come back to me! Why did you refuse to see that I was not to blame? Why would you point that finger of accusation at my feeble heart? It was for us, always for us! Every action was to protect us. Did you ever think of that fact? Likely not. You tried to run and I had to do it...There was no escape for either of us. It was for us Anna Lee, I did it for all we would be. You ruin me Little Miss Anna Lee, that's why I had to do it, you see?

I couldn't let you slip through my finger and into another's waiting hand. My little love, you were like a dove, though became a crow as I watched. That's why I had to do what I did... I had to seal all of our little secrets in your ashes. That knife is your savior! It showed you the light we would have had.

Anna Lee, this is how it was supposed to be. I won't repent, this is the truth of my sentence. I've done no wrong, merely written a new verse in our song! It's alright my darling, we'll be together soon. They tie the noose as my pen scribbles it's notes. We'll marry under hell fire, Little Miss Anna Lee.

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