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CREDITS: awesome yet talented author @ohsnapitzclauds

She made this book cover so exquisite, I wanna thank her alot and also for giving me an advice on how to handle family problems..Thank you Unni.

Anyway I dedicate this chapter to her.

Note: Italic (Someone's dialog)

Bold (Narrator's dialog)

Sehun POV

The pieces are slowly setting.The director of Entertainment offered me to be a trainee. I know right? I'm close at getting at the top.I'm almost there.But one pinnacle is bothering me, It's Park Han Ni, I have loved her since we were kids but she never know that




"Bo!? what happened! are you crying?"

"I'm coming there okay?"

It was Han Ni who was calling,A tone of moan is already in her words.And I already know she's crying,just because of her boyfriend...Again.


Supposed to be,she treated me friend and the Mr. Listener of her problems..

I always comfort her in times of crying and heartbreaks. Her boyfriends name is Jin Young,They've been dating 8 months. He never treated his boyfriend a heartbreaker yet here she is always loving Jin Young.

I plucked her hair behind her ears,tears are streaming down in her face.She stopped from crying right after when he saw my figure coming into her room. I gave her a comforting hug.

If only you're mine,I would never do unnecessary things to hurt you,ParK Han Ni.

I never told her about the offer,in this state I don't think it's good to butt in.


/Convenience Store/

"Bo? jinja!? so you're going to accept the offer right!?" Chanyeol who sits next to me scrolling his cellphone.

"Of course,but I don't think I can go without Han Ni's presence,especially in her relationship status with her damn boyfriend."

"I know right? tsk tsk If only you've confessed to her early." Luhan said while stirring his noodle cup.

"Now look who's speaking! you also like Han Ni..." I responded at Luhan who was a complete embarrass sipping his noodles.

We kept the conversation at the convenience store eating ramen noodles.My buddy Luhan and my group friends.


We halted from eating right after when Baekhyun scorned.


"Dude,you should confess to her as soon as possible."

Baekhyun said.

"Bo?" I chuckled after hearing his impossible idea.How should I confess when Han Ni is already in somebody's arms?

"You're leaving Gweonchan to train,c'mon you don't wanna miss this chance"

Well,I guess he do have a point.

And I'm not getting scold once I confess because damn I'm going.So atleast for my sake,I can finally escape from my burden secret.


/Abpjung Bar/


"For Sehun!!"

We casually made a small party,Chanyeol,Baekhyun,Luhan,Bomi's bestfriend Eun Ji and Hayoung.Just the five of us,We are having a party without Han Ni.I don't want her here,In fact I have told everyone about me leaving except for Han Ni,I'm terrified of what she'll say and well I'm more terrified hearing her blabbering mouth about her Jin Young and even hearing the word JinYoung sicken's me off.

"Yah,you fool! I thought you already told Han Ni!" Eun Ji said with a drunk tone,she's so weak in this state,I mean she just drank a two piece of glass, TWO PIECE.

"Don't worry HunHun..." Baekhyun darts a word while wrapping his arms on my shoulder as his smile expands,Pointing to everybody he used his usual smirk and started to continue his word.

"By tomorrow! we will help you..."

"Help what?"

"Are you kidding? we will help you,we will go to her school...."

"AND!?" Everybody simultaneously said with confusions.

He widened his eyes in belief that we didn't get what he's trying to say so he chortle.

"I don't know! say goodbye to her! Infact you'll be leaving tomorrow,give her a flower or-"

"Sing her a song!!!" Hayoung butts in.

"Oh right!! Han Ni always wanted like that,she wishes someone to sing her a song" Eun Ji responded as if she was getting the idea of singing.

"Great idea,but no...Can't you see how scary her boyfriend is? Your face might end up smashed." Luhan chuckled while drinking the soju.

Fine,let's just say they never hear my opinion,they kept on speaking and throwing different opinion without knowing my approval.

"Ok,I'm gonna sing her a song.."

Han Ni's two bestfriend cheered and squeled.

"So you guys will help me pass through those blocking gates to her school." I said pointing my buddies.

This is gonna be hard,Han Ni and I are not in the same school, she is in a private school while me in a public.

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