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Time flies by so fast, there was just half an hour that I'm not with her and half an hour she was hit by a car,reckless,pitiful stage of Han Ni.Doing regrets beside Han Ni unconsciously lying on the bed with the machines making sounds,dextrose clutching every inch of her body,bandages wrap into her head I pour a couple of tears streaming down in my face while waiting for the Doctor what's her condition.Out of reach I still continue trying to contact Sehun or either her asshole boyfriend but still out of reach.Sehun must be on his flight by now,her friends Eun Ji and Hayoung jog panicking to see Han Ni and they cry trying to suppress the tears to be strong.Kyungsoo in the other hand came with bloodshed form around his shirt plastered a haggard face, a face that can't be painted included Chanyeol.I grudge Jin Young,if ever that asshole will appear infront of me I swear I'm gonna wreck him.

"Doctor! what now?"

"She is now in a comma and there will be no clues when she will wake up, but there's this one problem.There's a possibility that she will forget things or memories that stored in her brain."

"What do you mean doc? what is this? amnesia?!"  Eun Ji hollered exclaiming how the hell.

"Not just an ordinary amnesia, amniscious another term,unlike amnesia,there's a teraphy that'll help the patient remember what needs to remember but this amniscious,if the patient forget then it'll forever forget and start a new one or either you can start again but if one person try to let the patient remember what must need to remember then the patient will have painful headaches that mostly have a tendency that can be the cause to the patients death."

The Doctor ends it with the word Death, the reason for me to halt breathing.

"But you're not sure she will have this kind of disease right!!?" Hayoung speaks.

"Yes, and......let's just hope for the best and pray faithfully to the lord"

The doctor leave the room same time Han Ni's mother arrived and as soon as she saw the figure of Han Ni in comma,a matter of second tears fell down pitifully moaning.Everybody did hiccups sobbing infront of Han Ni.We told her Mom the whole thing that happened.


I'm dumb eversince I met Han Ni,I'm stupid,this is all my fault.If only I was fast enough then I can tell her to stop and go back,what if Han Ni will have that kind of amnesia? That's just too sad and good because she will forget the pains the she recently suffered,that crazy boyfriend of her has no idea of this and not sure if he still care after I saw him with another girl,the reason for Han Ni to run with no direction.Yes,I'm dumb eversince,I'm the nerdy one that was afraid to confess to her and now she only treat me as a friend.I lost my mind when Chanyeol acted terror,he furiously punch the walls,a bunch of hit that cause the abstract wall to crack, Chanyeol's face becoming red.

"Where's Jin Young!!!" He shouted at me,impatiently wanting an answer.He grips my collar and they stop Chanyeol.

"The last time you saw him!! WHERE!!!!"

"I—in–in a Hat store at the corner in a four way street"

He left like Violet in 'the incredibles' so fast and I don't have any idea why he left.

They called him but he did not listen.


I went to a Hat store but he is not there,I asked the one who owns the shop and went to the cctv to point him and ask where direction Jin Young left.Blood boils in temper around my body after what I saw,is he cuddling a girl? what the hell.I learned he went to the left direction, I ran fast that even a thank you is not enough in my time.40 minutes ago he left the shop so I wonder where he is,I contact him pretending to calm and ask him where is he.

"Bus station near kangnam..."

I catch a cab to meet him and as soon as I saw his figure,without having any 2nd thoughts I smack him,and punch him until he falls but he stood up revenging a punch on me,we fight and there he fall again.

"Hyung! what's wrong with you!"

"You don't know!!"

A punch again,I pushed him away trying to catch my breath and left.


I'm frustrated and desperated,I left Gweonchan with worries in my heart,there was no time to fix it but I promise as soon as I make a debut then I will go back,go back to Gweonchan but how long? If I work hard then It'll be sooner,I will work hard or should I turn this back?should I go back to Han Ni? I'm sure they will both fix their relationship and if I go back I'll go back stupid again.It's also my fault why they fought,I wonder what happen so as soon as I board down the plane I'm planning to contact Luhan but there was no sign where my phone is,not in my pocket,not in my bag,I guess they're fine.

               -5 MONTHS LATER-


It's been 5 months,things changed and still Han Ni is in comma,we never loose hope,she will wake up I know.We never let any schooolmates nor classmates know about this,instead we excuse Han Ni that she transfered to another school,we don't want it to be rumored because we are trying to fix the problem if Han Ni will suffer amniscious.Sehun,we don't have any news about him since until now he can't contact.


Director of YG Entertainment will finally hire me and in three months we will make a promotion debut,not only me,it consists of 5 members Ji Young,Taeyang,Daesung and Kwon Chun Suk and they named our group Bigbang it's harder than I thought,they said one should maintain they're popularity and work outs should always apply everyday,maintain your perfect body,there are lot of rules.Practices is killing me,disciplines should be applied or else you will never get what you want.

I miss Han Ni and them,in this past 5 months I wonder what changes happened,did Han Ni finally accomplished level 56 in candy crash? or did Eun Ji finally get a boyfriend? what if Han Ni and Jin Young finally broke up? I'm dying to know the answers,I'm dying to contact them but even social networks is out of reach,I either can't contact them what if they forget about me? did they also effort to contact me? Am I forgotten already?

I talked to the new manager and ask if ever the debut will be successful then can I go back to my hometown luckily he agreed,Manager Kang is way too cool to handle us,although he became strict when it comes to rehearsals,he jams with us or play with us in PS's,X Box's he's kinda old and that's what makes me say he's cool,how come a 50 year old man play such technologies? cool isn't it?

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