Melted Butter[s]

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Kyle's POV:
Eden and I were walking and talking and I felt like her and I were friends again. We walked in the hallway together, and I stopped at her locker with her. She was grabbing her books, when I felt someone punch me in the back.

I flinched. What the hell? I felt a sharp but quick pain to my back as I turned around to see an angry Butters. I assumed he accidentally ran into me, as I never perceived Butters as a violent kid.

"You'll have to fight me for her" he said.

Eden suddenly went pale.

"Butters- please just let it go. I apologized and-"

"No, Kyle" he said and punched me in the face.

What the hell?!!


"Shut up Fatass" I yelled back at him.

"OI! I'm not fat I'm big boned" he responded.

"Butters... I don't wanna fight you. Please just back off."

I looked back at Eden, unsure of what to do. This time he sent me down with a blow to my cheek. I started tasting blood in my mouth as I hit the floor.

I didn't want to hurt him, but I wasn't gonna let Butters push me around.

I got up I swung my right arm towards him and hit him. Almost broke his nose. He fell backwards.


"Fat fuck" i mumbled.

"I'm sorry. I did what I had to do. Butters I know you're trying to protect her but Eden can make her own decisions. I dont knee why all of a sudden you decide to beat me up out of the blue, but this isn't like you. I didn't mean to hurt you, can we please just make up and be friends again?" I asked him.

"Yes I guess so Kyle. I'm sorry. Eric here promised me $10 if I won this here fight" he responded.

That fat fuck.

"Cartman?!"I turned to him. He just stood there frozen.

"If I was an asshole like you, you would've receivers a blow to the face by now" I told him and I turned and walked off with Eden. I think I handled that pretty well.

Butters POV:
I can't believe it. I feel so stupid. My parents are gonna ground me for sure. I got into a fight! I felt like a melted emotional mess

I dont think fighting Kyle was worth $10.
Stupid Eric always trying to put me in messy situations.

Kyle's right. Eden needs her space and I totally respect that. I just hope she still sees me as a friend and knows that I care about her.

Kyle deserves her. He's a nice guy and she's a nice girl. I should probably go apologize. I found them sitting outside of the school building talking, and Ben though I felt bad interrupting I had to apologize.

"Hey Eden, I also wanna apologize to you for the way I acted. I understand that we're friends and I didn't mean to cling on so much that I became possessive. I hope you can forgive me" I told her.

"Of course Butters. It's ok. You'll always be a part of me in here" she says as she points to her heart.

"Well I feel like I've been here longer than I should have so I'll leave you two lovebirds be" I said as I skipped off singing that loo loo loo apples song that I always sing.

Kyle's POV:
As Butters left, I turned to face  Eden.

"Eden. What I was trying to say that night before we got interrupted by Butters, was that I really really like you. You're smart, caring, sweet, and cute" I told her. I felt butterflies multiplying exponentially in my stomach, hoping she feels the same way about me.

"Kyle I really think you're sweet too. I've liked you since day one and you're so understanding and caring and that's just one of the reasons I love you" She said as she leaned in for a hug.

I held her tight so I wouldn't have to let go but not tight enough to suffocate her.

I feel like a huge burden has just risen from my shoulders, and a rush of happiness.

Bye bye stomach butterflies.

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