Chapter: 3; You shouldn't be here

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I woke up suddenly, the dream vivid in my mind; haunting me where-ever I go. I looked over at my bed-side table and saw that the time read '3:45am' but instead of the digits being in green they were in red, that's when I remembered the events from yesterday evening, the events that have brought me to this new house. I sat upright in the bed, it wasn't as comfortable as my old one, this mattress was too new, and too hard, not old and warn-out like my old one back up north in my dad's house.

I knew I wasn't going to get back to sleep with the dream still vividly playing in my mind, the messed up memories of the past playing over and over again, so I decided to silently creep along the floor towards the door and investigate the grand house. As I was opening the door I heard another door being opened, and someone was walking down the corridor that stretched down towards my right, the light reflecting out of the moon lit window at the bottom of the corridor made me see over fifteen doors that lined the walls. The footsteps of the person walking stopped and then sounded as if they had turned and gone down another corridor leading a different way. I barely remember how I got to this room so I walked down the corridor, as I neared the middle of the corridor I came to another hallway that lead off into another direction, this was the hallway the other person had taken I presumed so I turned and went down it.

As I walked down the dimly lit corridor I saw a person walking towards me. It was a boy, who looked no older than me, he had a tall frame and was a muscular build, he looked somewhat familiar to me, as we got closer I could see his black hair, and his strong jaw line, the boy was only wearing pyjama bottoms which showed off his defined muscular chest. I looked up at his face and gasped. Familiar blue eyes stared back at me in utter shock and instantly we both let out a loud terrifying scream.

Suddenly there was the thunder of people's feet running down corridors and stairways towards us. We were both looking at each other terrified to say anything,

"WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING" Someone shouted from behind me in panic.

"YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE!" we both screamed at each other in fright,

"What do you mean" someone calmly spoke from behind me as they heard the fright and terror in our voices

"YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!" we both screamed at each other, tears in our wide eyes,

There was gasps heard from behind us, and then silently we heard my mother whisper "Shit" at the same time an extremely familiar voice whispered "what the"

I snapped my head to where my mother was standing; she was standing next to the familiar figure that matched the familiar voice.

"WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING" Myself and the person now standing behind me shouted in utter confusion,

"I had to do it" my mother whispered "It was the only way..." She trailed off; I shot back around and faced the person behind me.

A few moments of silence past as we looked at each other, scared out if our minds.

"I killed you" we both whispered in sync

There were gaps

"I shot you in the head" Cam whispered terrified

"I strangled you to death" I whispered back straight after.

Silence. That's what we were greeted with. We both stared at each other, we could hear the other people take it all in, their breathing hitched at the realization at what was just spoken, time seemed to freeze as we looked at each other, then time restarted as we spoke.

"I thought it was my fault" Cam and myself said together, tears at the brink of our eyes,

The gap between us decreased, and we were an arm's length apart

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