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"Oh, thank you," Sadie blushed. She completely forgot about Finn coming with her.

That was the day Finn Wolfhard discovered that Sadie Sink had a soft side, and she brought it out when in nature.

"You're blushing," Finn chuckled, teasing the girl.

Her face turned serious. "Quit it." The girl never liked to show her soft side. She felt it made her weaker. She began to tense up as Finn walked towards her, fear rising in her eyes, threatening to spill out as tears.

"Sadie, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, lets just go," she said as she wiped away a tear right as it fell. She got on her bike and started pedalling a little bit ahead, leaving behind a confused teenage boy. "Are you coming?"

Brought out of his daze, he hopped on his bike, following closely behind the now recovered girl. The wind rustled around Finn's curly mess of hair as he and the firey girl rode their bikes, acting like children. "What do nosy peppers do?" Finn called out, side by side with the blue-eyed girl.

"What?" she chuckled.

"It gets jalapeno business!" Finn chuckled, making the girl next to him almost crash from laughing so hard. He began laughing, too, for the girl's beautiful laugh was contagious.

Finn glanced over at Sadie, getting a good look at her. He noticed the way her hair was messily thrown in a bun, how her freckles stood out in the sun. He noticed that every once in awhile her nose twitched as she smiled brightly. Finally, his eyes trailed over to her ocean eyes. Frankly, he believed that it was easy to fall into them, but hard to get out of. You're lucky if you don't drown. Her eyes were a passageway to her soul, and it was a place that was too dark to even see. It gave you goosebumps as you look around, hoping for some sort of light. All of a sudden, you see a flash of sunshine as she smiles at you, noticing your stares. That was all the light Finn needed to see.

Although he hated to admit it, (so he sweared to himself he never would) a part of him still felt empty. A part of his heart belonged to someone that wasn't Sadie, and he sweared to her that he would give her the world.

Or maybe all he would give her was a broken heart. But in the moment, Sadie felt as if she could conquer the world with Finn, and that was all she needed. She gripped onto this feeling as if it were to save her life. She always wanted to have that feeling, and now that it was hers, she wasn't letting go of it if the world depended on it.

(Okay, maybe if the world depended on it is a bit overrexagerated, but you get the point, right?)

Sadie beamed brightly as she came to a halt. "We're here!"

Finn looked up to see an abandoned library. "What is with you and abandoned places?"

"It's silent. Perfect for murder," Sadie giggled, joining in on the joke.

"Sadie Sink, you would never!"

"Just... maybe sleep with one eye open," she smiled, putting her kickstand down. "Now come on! We have a lot of places to go!"

Finn jogged up to her, a nervous feeling creeping up on him. Although he hoped she wouldn't, Sadie noticed. "Are you okay, love? You look nervous."

"Um... you come here? Like, a lot?" he asked, trembling.

"Yes, all the time! I swear it's not as creepy as it seems. I think you'll love what I've done to the place!" A proud smile rested on her face as she trudged foward through the barren yard infront of the library. As she opened the lonely place's doors, she smiled brightly and said, "Welcome to Ms. Sink's library!"

Finn's jaw dropped and his eyes sparkled in awe, admiring Sadie's work. The bookshelves were dusted off, stuffed with books like a kid on Thanksgiving. Their were posters of books, words, and beautiful views. There were also some of Sadie's awards up, as well as pictures from when the library was in business. "You did ALL of this?"

"Most of it. I've been coming to the library since I was two. My mom and I always came together. When I was about seven, and I'm sixteen now, the librarian got sick. Over the years we became very close. She gave me all of the pictures of others here. She even cheated the rule of five books at a time for me because she knew I was a bookworm. Her name was Mrs. Swinger.

"I loved Mrs. Swinger, but the both of us knew she wasn't getting any better. So, I asked her if something ever were to happen to her if I could continue taking care of the library, even if it closes. She said that she would support me and thought that I would be a great librarian.

"She let me keep the books already here and I added some of my personal books. I've been saving up every penny I have since I was seven for this place. This is partially why I have such good grades even though I'm not there. Mrs. Swinger always told the high school about how good of a student and person I am. She warned me about something, but I can't remember."

"This is beautiful, Sadie. I have a few books of my own that I would be willing to donate, if you'd like."

"Really? That would be amazing! Thank you, Finn! We, well, I, always except donations and are very grateful for them!" she smiled. When Finn looked into the redhead's eyes, he saw something he never wanted to unsee. He saw a look he had never seen before, and it has especially not been given to him.

In her eyes, he saw the peace of the storm in her brain. He saw the rainbow, and the waves calming down at sea and the ocean becoming a peaceful stream. Most importantly, he saw her. He saw the girl he wanted to know so badly. In her eyes, he saw a redheaded girl wearing a smile so big and so bright, and she wored it proudly. Her hair was much, much shorter- to her shoulders. Her blue eyes sparkled, and they felt not icey and cold, but like the refreshing mist of water flowing on you from someone else using water in the summer sun. She was genuinely happy.

Finn hoped it was him who made her happy. He hoped he would one day get to meet the girl in her eyes. The reflection of a girl who finally has come to closure in this world. The reflection of a girl who finally found something (or someone) that made her smile from ear to ear. It was a beautiful sight.


Hello lovelies!! 'Broken is back and is planned out! There will not be fast updates because I try to make the chapters lengthy and detailed. Thank you, my loves, for all of your support and understanding. I love each and every one of you and I will ALWAYS be here for you. Much love!! ❤

[Word count: 1,150 (Not including A/N)]

-Yours truly,
Amanda 🦋

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